Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Species layout ideas


  1. That height line up perfect. It affords this lovely sense of scale, I can't wait to see how it looks when everyfhing is done.

    Dunno if we will have to employ barbie doll style anatomy or not in the final version though. Is there a standard for rpg books?

    1. Did some peaking, I think its actually pretty close to the third edtion D&D and Pathfinder stuff, so we are probably OK.

    2. Was thinking of pixelating/blurring or fig leaves!

    3. I disliked it at first, but the scale on the page keeps it from being a "centerfold" sort of thing. Tasteful is good. Fig leaves could also be good.

      I think 3.5 had like bare coverings (?), so I think you're running pretty close to that. I love the mini-chart comparing sizes!

  2. there is going to be atleast one person saying the cat people should have 6-8 boobs. And if they don't show up I just did

    1. Hmm.

      What if their reproduction was closer to humans than cats? (I.E twins or single children generally, instead of litters?)

      Actually, the idea that Rai-Neko are generally twins is kind of intriguing.

    2. I thought about it... was also thinking (as non-terrestrial beings) they might have weird alien reproductive organs?

      Also how do chibs reproduce? no genitals, nipples, belly buttons. Are they some kind of wizard clay?

    3. There is a long story behind the chibs, but they are magically created synthetics. The ritual to do so is a well kept secret, usually only the elder chib in a community will know it.

      This is kind of a hidden reason for why they get along with Mechanoids - they ae spiritual siblings.

    4. I agree with Scrap that might have to be a thing. Don't get me wrong I like the look of them now. But I think that multi boob look might give it that bit of different weird that will make them very interesting. Just look at the old slaanesh daemonette minis here.

    5. I am a bit too attached to the way they are presented now (and it seems a bit jarring, espicially since the other species don't show nearly the same level of consistency with the real world) but I may save the idea for Warp!!, espicially because I want most of the playable species in that game to be odd.

  3. I like it; clear and simple.
    "albeit" is mistyped.
