Sunday, 10 November 2024

Setting: Outer World Holidays

Every place has its notable days of observance, celebration, and remembrance. Outer World is no exception to this rule, though such dates come in two varieties: the ordinary sort that vary from region to region, and days where reality is just a bit off somehow.

Holidays can come up in your BREAK!! game as a bit of setting background or the focus of an adventure. As a rule of thumb, each holiday can be used once per Saga. Running the same holidays in a future Saga can also be a fun way to connect it to an older one as well.

Ordinary Holidays

Celebrated on a specific date each year, these holidays are not unlike those of the Otherworld's in practice, even if they are quite different in subject. 

While the days for observing the cataclysms are known worldwide, most holidays are tied to a specific region or belief system.

Awakening: When the Unshaped's grip on Outer World faltered, the chaotic state of reality transitioned into something more stable and welcoming to the folk. Since this was the ending of a period of time known as The Dreaming this was called the Awakening, with the first day of every subsequent year being referred to as such. Outer Worlders tend to spend this holiday with their closest loved ones, trading gifts, singing songs, and generally celebrating the reality they share. At the end of the revelry, one is meant to reflect upon the wishes in their heart and choose one to announce to whoever they happen to be around.

Crownsfall: While the fall of the Iron King, the banishment of the Divine Rulers, and the peace that came from it are all serious matters, Crownsfall is a holiday that starts somberly but inevitably gives way to raucous celebration. Readings and performances of  the song of Aken end and effigies of the Iron King are strung up to be mocked by crowds. Excessive drinking is accompanied by joyful folks dancing and singing the popular satirical folk song "Rusty ol' crown". A handful of people sometimes try to loudly lament the fall of order and are usually pelted with rotten vegetables while being booed.

Sunshatter: Outer Worlders commemorate the day of the Sun Machine's breaking differently. Those who live in the darker parts of the surface do so with a melancholy ceremony, where special lanterns and candles are lit and snuffed out ritualistically. Folk who reside in the bright parts of the world jubilantly take in the light before offering condolences to the rest of Outer World with a quiet song. For the underdwellers of the Buried Kingdoms? It's just another day.

Religious Holidays: Most of the belief systems in Outer World have a handful of dates they celebrate. Certain members of the Dawn Orthodoxy observe First Hero's Day, Dark Adventists have Truewish, which is a day to reflect on the wishes you didn't want to share during Awakening, The Twilight Manifest has a day of fasting known as Median. Various gods, immortals, and other beings also have pushed their own holidays with varying degrees of success.

Regional Holidays: Some holidays are attached to a where as well as a when. Fishing festivals found along the islands of the Galvanus Archipelago, a celebration of the founding of Shard known as Crystaldawn, and New Ore's Important Noise Day are all examples of regional holidays. Most of those celebrating are more than happy to fill outsiders in on the festivities.

Flux Days

On these days Outer World is very different in some particular way. They do not happen every year, and it's theorized that they are a result of reality adjusting to correct some imbalance. 

Standardween: A very regular day. Most people in Outer World can tell it's Standardween thanks to a feeling of unexciting comfort. Things are far more certain than they usually are.

  • Whenever you apply a purview to a Check or Contest on Standardween, you may choose to apply a result of 5 on the dice instead of rolling.
  • Unshaped vanish from reality on Standardween, returning after the day is done.

Bumblegux: A particularly odd day in an already odd world, everyone knows when a Bumblegux is happening because everything looks a little wrong - your hair might be the wrong color, your voice an octave higher, your craving for might muffins much stronger, so on and so forth. Of course, the strangeness only increases from there.

  • Every Settlement and Adventure site has a random Whimsy Effect applied to it on Bumblegux. The effect vanishes once it's over.

Aether Day: Of the flux dates, Aether day is the hardest one to detect. Everything seems normal, though nothing works out quite like you expect it too.

  • On Aether Day, BREAK!!'s mechanics are replaced with those of another tabletop rpg whose rules you have on hand. Alternatively, all conflict resolutions are decided in some other form - playing "War" with a deck of cards, matches in a fighting game, rock-paper-scissors, etc.



1 comment:

  1. How does a world with no DAYS, no seasons, no years, celebrate holidays?
