Saturday 7 September 2024

Setting: The Helical Archive

Scholars and scribes have quite a bit to do in Outer World. Settlements need someone around to decipher some manner of old documentation no one has time for anymore, ruins from several eras lie about with old history to record, and there is always very important information about some obstacle or threat that needs to be relayed to the folks about to confront it. Most probably wouldn't say knowledge is power, but would readily agree that it is one of the larger keys to it.

And just as witches form covens and knights join orders for safety, sharing of resources, and the advancement of their ideals, those who feel that Outer World would benefit from the dissemination of knowledge also band into groups to further their cause. While a variety of such scholarly organizations exist, no one would question that the most famous among them is the Helical Archive, a group based in the island of Stahlfeld and named for the odd semi-spiral building that they use as their headquarters. Originally founded to assist Junkers in the area in identifying and repairing old technology, the Archive has grown considerably from these humble roots, now boasting locations all throughout Outer World and an organizational account with the Paw Post.

The Helical Archive enjoys a mostly loose knit hierarchy. It's director is a bio-mechanoid named Plum, whose driving goal is to rediscover the methods of creating more of her species. That said, as a former adventurer, she's innately curious and more than willing to support the variety of ongoing studies that the Archive has open. From there, each branch has its own sub-director who balances the books (figuratively - though, given how cluttered many of these offices are, sometimes literally as well) and keeps track of the clerks and other employees that work under them. Researchers acting as field agents are the members of the archive that adventurers will likely be most familiar with. In fact, many of them join adventuring parties themselves!

While generally a benevolent organization, most of the Helical Archives activities require extensive funding. This is usually gained via partnerships with local governments, wealthy patrons, and small fees charged for individual services. While considered essential to many places, this has made the archive unpopular in other spots, like the cities of Magia and Portia (due to their respective universities seeing the Helical Archive as competition) or smaller groups of scholars (who think the archive's broad methods are foolish, glory-seeking, money-grubbing, or some combination of the three). 

Director Plum takes this animosity in stride, as she knows most of them will come running to the Helical Archive the minute something totally unexpected comes up anyway.

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