Saturday 10 August 2024

Freebie Mini-Entry: Quick Re-Skins And Other Shortcuts

Just some things that popped into my head that aren't quite big enough for a full entry, but I thought were fun nonetheless.


Big Boomerangs

While most boomerangs would fall under Thrown Weapons in BREAK!!, you occasionally get the desire for a character with an especially large one to function as their primary weapon. These sorts of boomerangs, that can be swung about like a melee weapon, can be thrown for a bit of distance and dependably return, can just be treated like Lash Weapons, though the sort of combat tricks and stunts they would allow for would be different than whips and the like.

What is reason people who are proficient with Lash weapons are also good with Big Boomerangs? It's all in the wrist.


Passing the Torch

Sometimes when a character dies in an anime, video game, or other media, they'll pass on their magical power or what have you to someone else, so they can carry on in their stead. Judgements on this particular technique in writing aside, it can be useful for BREAK!! games. 

If a player character does perish and the player doesn't want to make an entirely new one, they can decide that their fallen PC becomes a little speck of light that beseeches and empowers a chosen ally, or something like that.

Upon receiving this blessing, the target gains the Aptitudes, Combat Statistics, and Calling Abilities of the new character. Their original Traits, Species and Quirk stick (or get chosen/rolled, if they lacked these)

In these cases, the target cannot be another Player Character (or Game Master Character) with ranks or potent Abilities. The best choices tend to be basic folk somehow related to the character (a long lost relative, perhaps) or follower whose existing talents can be easily replaced by their new Abilities (For example, a Custrel gaining the power of a fallen Champion)

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