Wednesday 15 May 2024

Freebie: Some More Alternate Callings

Today's freebie is a simple one: the other Callings got alternate versions so I thought it was only fair if I provided ones for the remaining four. These also make great rival GMCs if you happen to be a Game Master!



The Scoundrel is a variant Sneak. While not quite a warrior, the Scoundrel has seen their fair share of scrapes and knows the best way to win one: never fight fair, gang up on your foes, know when to duck! These wily sorts tend to pair up with the burliest fighter they can find and act as their partner in crime.

The Scoundrel is Identical to the Sneak with the following exceptions:

  • The Starting Ability Sticky Fingers is replaced with the Standard Elective Ability Flanker. Sticky Fingers may be taken as an elective ability at higher ranks.
  • The Starting Ability Light Footed is replaced with Sidestep, a Raider Starting Ability. Light Footed cannot be taken later on.



The Bladesmith is a variant Raider. These wanderers hone their combat skills alongside their craftsmanship in hopes of finding meaning, spiritual equilibrium between creation and destruction, or just a way to make the most kick-ass sword possible.

The Bladesmith is identical to the Raider with the following exceptions: 
  • The Starting Ability Sidestep is replaced with the Standard Elective Ability Artisan Smithy. Sidestep may be taken as an elective Ability at higher ranks.
  • The Starting Ability Hunter's Focus is replaced the Standard Elective Ability Ranger. Hunter's Focus may be taken as an elective Ability at higher ranks.


Haunted Knight

The Haunted Knight is a variant Murder Princess. An eerily serene spirit clings to this gloomy warrior, striking down their foes with stolen malice. Whether the ghost of a betrayed friend, a slain lord seeking vengeance, or a lover lost too soon, they never leave the knight's side.

The Haunted Knight is identical to the Murder Princess with the following exceptions:
  • The Starting Ability Withering Glare is replaced a new Ability called Beloved Wraith, which is mechanically identical to the Heretic Ability Bushi Miyabi. This ability summons the Haunted Knight's unique ghostly companion. Withering Glare cannot be taken later on.
  • The Starting Ability Tenacity is replaced with the Standard Elective Ability Frost Blade. Tenacity may be taken as an elective Ability at higher ranks. The knight's heart is cold, so their blade is as well.



The Soothsayer is a variant Heretic. Cursed with the fleeting knowledge of what might be and the ability to know much more then they should, the Soothsayer is chased off as often as they are sought out. Perhaps they can find companionship by guiding other wanderers...
The Soothsayer is identical to the Heretic with the following exceptions:
  •  The Starting Ability Dreadful is replaced with Dire Divination, an Ability identical to the Sage Ability Everyday Divination save it utilizes the Soothsayer's Grit rather than their Insight. Their divination process requires a lot more writhing and anguish, you see. Dreadful cannot be taken later on.
  • The Starting Ability Squire Marlow is replaced with the Standard Elective Ability Seer Kasnah. Marlow, being the patient sort, may be taken as an elective Ability at higher ranks.

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