Saturday 22 April 2023

BREAK!! Kickstarter Day 6!

 Back us on Kickstarter!

Backer Something made a really cool 3D map of Outer World!


  1. The planet's *history* is short and turbulent. Unless the planet was created last Tuesday, the planet's *past* goes back a long ways.

  2. After going through a messy repossession in 2020, my credit score dropped to Equifax: 512, TransUnion: 504, Experian: 509. All attempts to restore my creditworthiness to a good rating had been unsuccessful. About a month ago while I was browsing a credit blog, I came across a comment by Evelyn about 760Plus Credit Score. I reached out to them out of desperation, and asked if he could help fix my credit score too. He responded positively and I had to subscribe to his services. I pulled my score after several days as I was instructed. Imagine my surprise when I discovered my score had been boosted to excellent (Equifax: 781, TransUnion: 772, and Experian 779).
