This blog entry serves two purposes - it is a companion piece to the previous entry, providing a variety of strange items to be sold at the Radiant Market, but also as a list of unique treasures you can sprinkle into your own BREAK!! Adventures. Most of these are relics one can’t find anywhere else, so while some of their prices are based on what you’d get with imbued items in the core rulebook, they’ve been adjusted up or down in certain cases.
While I’m a big proponent of gear being placed within adventure sites in a deliberate manner, I understand some people really love random treasure tables, so as a bonus three of those are included: one containing the new items outlined in this blog entry, one made up of things from the core rulebook, and a third combining the two.
What’s Being Sold at Radiket (or other place for one to stumble upon a relic)
D20 Roll
1-2: Galvani's Boots
3-4: Calian Compacts
5-6: Homey Cap
7-8: Silver Harmonica
9-10: Ail-Mints
11-12: Lantern Mace
13-14: Pillow Of Comfort
15-16: Dreamstrand Net
17-18: Goodwill Goblet
19-20: Crystal Effigy
Galvani’s Boots
These simple leather boots always seem to fit whoever tries to wear them. They were said to have belonged to Galvani, the first person to travel the whole of the Outer World. The famed explorer’s spirit whispers to those who don them.
Steadied Steps - Wearing these boots allows you to act as a Guide during a journey. If you are already able to act as a Guide, you instead gain a Major (+4) Bonus on Insight Rolls to trailblaze.
Cost: A merchant is selling these for 3 Stones thanks to having no idea what they actually are.
1 Slot
Calian Compacts
Popular among nobles of the dark empire of the 3rd Aeon, these small folding devices come in pairs and contain 2 mirrors: one for checking your hair or makeup, the other for magical communication.
Mirrored Communication - Lightly tapping the second mirror in one compact allows one to see and hear what’s reflected in its partner device as long as that device is also opened.
If the mirror is tapped and the partner device is not opened, the latter vibrates slightly to notify its owner.
Cost: 4 Gems for a pair
1 Slot per Compact
Homey Cap
A curious item that looks like a simple broad brimmed hat used to keep the sun out of one’s eyes. It’s far more than meets the eye however, allowing access to a comfortable home no matter where one goes.
House Hat - Setting the cap upside down on the ground and placing your left foot into it will bring you into the foyer of a Townhouse (from the BREAK!! rulebook) that’s located in its own pocket of reality. You may exit the townhouse in a similar manner, by opening its front door (which leads to a rather harrowing bit of nothing) and walking out. This will place you directly in front of the Homey Cap, wherever that might be.
This item provides you with a wonderful place to store your things and rest, but it's suggested someone you trust be left with the Homey Cap itself, lest you end up in an awkward or dangerous place upon your return. If the cap is destroyed the house will suffer the same fate, so be careful!
Cost: It's hard to put a price on such a rare and valuable oddity, but its current owner is in a bit of a pinch and is willing to let it go for the low, low price of 12 Gems.
1 Slot
Silver Harmonica
This slender instrument is a splendid and ornate, seeming crafted entirely of dewsilver. Said to have once been the prized possession of a performer from Portia the Prosperous. Anyone can play a beautiful, attention drawing song thanks to the magic sealed within it.
Alluring Melody - This Ability can be activated by playing the harmonica and making an Aura Check. On a success, it draws the attention of anyone nearby. This will create a friendly crowd in public places like a settlement. This incurs 2 rolls on the random encounter chart when used in an Adventure Site, but these encounters will be in as benign and friendly a mood as they are capable of and likely open for discussion or at least negotiation, at GM’s discretion.
This Ability, successful or not, can be used once every 24 hours. Attempting to use it again simply results in the harmonica making a shrill note in protest.
Cost: 220 Coins
1 Slot
These colorful candies come in a variety of flavors and have rather odd effects on those who eat them. They are being sold at Radiket by their creator, Drizzy Mix. She thinks they could become staple adventuring tools but her colleagues are less optimistic.
Sticky-Mint: Green colored with a creamy flavor. Consumer is Jellified, but also can stick to and move along surfaces, allowing them to climb up walls and the like regardless of verticality.
Shrinky-Mint: Yellow with a sour flavor. Consumer is Chibbed, though even smaller than usual, only taking up 5 Slots. Perfect for fitting into small spaces or being stashed away in a Factotum’s Pack.
Floaty-Mint: Pink colored with a sweet flavor. Consumer is Ballooned, but can fly and float with a Slow speed rating.
Loopy-Mint: Orange colored with a tangy flavor. Consumer is disoriented, but is also immune to the Terrified and Dispirited Ailments due to an altered view of things.
Petra-Mint Grey, with a minty flavor. Consumer is fully Petrified, but is made of a form of magical material insulating them from a lot of potential damage.
Refresh-Mint: White with a chalky taste. When consumed, any body altering status ailments (Jellyfied, Putrefied, Chibbed, etc) subside immediately.
With the exception of the Refresh-Mint, all effects from the Ail-Mints end after 3 turns. If the ailment associated with any of the effects are dispelled or subside proper to that, any positive effects coupled with them also end.
Cost: 25 Coins Each
3 Take up One Slot and come in a complimentary Pudge Grub Shaped Container
Lantern Mace
A luminescent weapon once used by Brave-Dame-What’s-Her-Name. Crafted of Sun Gold and enchanted to provide light, it’s a perfect weapon for those who wander the darkness. She is probably looking for it, honestly.
The Lantern Mace is a Standard Weapon made of Ash Bronze, and has access to an Ability called Brilliant Bludgeon which functions identically to the Sage’s Magelight.
Cost: 210 Coins
1 Slot
Pillow Of Comfort
This frilly pillow is impossibly soft and always just a little cool. It is made with Twilight Silk and stuffed with the feathers from the mystical golden rokko-do, and said to grant its user with the most valued treasure of all: a restful sleep.
Gift of Somnus - If you rest your head on the Pillow of Comfort while sleeping, you gain the benefits of Excellent Service (per the Room and Board section of the rulebook) regardless of your actual accommodations (or lack thereof).
Cost: 175 Coins
1 Slot
Dreamstrand Net
With a handle made of warpwood and bag woven from glittering gossamer strings, this tool only superficially resembles bug catching nets. It’s just as well, its actual use is far too potent for it to be mistaken for a mundane tool.
Thought Catcher - Swinging this net near a target’s head provokes an Aura Contest between you and the target. If you win, you catch one of their stray thoughts and learn one of the following (at GM’s discretion)
A secret you need that the target knows
Something the target is afraid of
Something the target cares a lot about
If you fail, you catch a jumbled series of ideas and notions that don’t do you much good.
You can use this Ability once every 24 hours, successful or not.
Cost: 175 Coins
2 Slots
Goodwill Goblet
A brilliant, bejeweled cup that can summon a nourishing wine with a gentle shake. Beloved by a group of students in Magia’s University until their irate professor “blasted it to the Blazing Garden!” While grand for long journeys, it's not wise for one partake of its bounty too often.
Shared Suppeth - The Goblet provides a strangely satisfying wine once every 24 hours, granting nourishment equal to 1 day’s worth of rations. This effect may be kept up if you then hand the goblet to someone you have a social bond with, so it’s quite useful to have among friends and rivals but mostly worthless for strangers.
If you partake in the Goodwill Goblet for two 24 hour cycles in a row you become deliriously affectionate and friendly, suffering from the Disoriented Status Ailment until you’ve had a chance to sleep it off.
Cost: 3 Gems
1 Slot
Crystal Effigy
This small crystal sculpture begins featureless but eventually grows to resemble the one carrying it. It is said to be able to take its bearer’s pain in their place, but only once.
Suffering Simulacrum - You may activate this ability if you have the Effigy on your person and suffer an Injury (up to and including Death). The Effigy shatters instantly, becoming broken beyond repair, and you are spared the effects of the injury.
Cost: 75 Coins
1 Slot
Random Table of Existing Items
D20 Roll
1-2: Grand Knight Armor (Superheavy Mechanical Motion Armor, PG 167)
3-4: Wooly Warm Tunic (PG 371)
5-6: Ceremonial Akenian Saber (Sun Gold Standard Weapon, PG2 89)
7-8: Cleary Shield (PG 371)
9-10: Starlight Ball Dress (Appealing Outfit made of Twilight Silk, PG 173)
11-12: Van Peebles World Map (PG 174)
13-14: Two Bars (Units) of Sky Steel (PG 289)
15-16: Mighty Mitten (PG 371)
17-18: Otherworld Pocket Device (PG 182)
19-20: Large Spell Engine (PG 181)
Random Table of both sets of Items
D20 Roll
1: Grand Knight Armor (Superheavy Mechanical Motion Armor, PG 167)
2: Galvani's Boots
3: Wooly Warm Tunic (PG 371)
4: Calian Compacts
5: Ceremonial Akenian Saber (Sun Gold Standard Weapon, PG2 89)
6: Homey Cap
7: Cleary Shield (PG 371)
8: Silver Harmonica
9: Starlight Ball Dress (Appealing Outfit made of Twilight Silk, PG 173)
10: Ail-Mints
11: Van Peebles World Map (PG 174)
12: Lantern Mace
13: Two Bars (Units) of Sky Steel (PG 289)
14: Pillow Of Comfort
15: Mighty Mitten (PG 371)
16: Dreamstrand Net
17: Otherworld Pocket Device (PG 182)
18: Goodwill Goblet
19: Large Spell Engine (PG 181)
20: Crystal Effigy