Saturday, 15 February 2025

A (very) short guide on converting material from other games to BREAK!!

One of the best things about owning a lot of tabletop material (adventures, supplements, and otherwise) is that all of it can be resources for whatever you happen to be playing at the moment. While often this involves simply cribbing ideas from different sources, it can also come in the form of porting things from one game to another. This entry is designed to help with that second part, providing some guidelines for converting things from other tabletop RPGs to BREAK!!

As a preface, it's worth saying that the neatest way to do this is to use the original material as inspiration to create brand new things for BREAK!! with the help of the GM's section of the core rulebook. However, there are instances when you are converting things to help save time and effort you would have spent making something entirely new, so meticulously creating stuff wholesale might detract from that purpose. 

With that in mind, the guidelines in this entry are meant to help with speedy conversions rather than meticulous ones. There will still be work involved and there could be a lot more said on this, but hopefully these can still help your efforts be smoother than they would have been before.

Monsters, Enemies, Etc

The first step in converting monsters, adversaries, and various entities from other material into BREAK!! is figuring out what the subject's Rank and Menace level would be so you can get its basic stats from the Adversary Table.

Entities from classic fantasy tabletop games have some easy benchmarks. If the system has something like Hit Dice or levels, this can usually be converted into a Rank by comparing the value range for them and adjusting accordingly. For example, if you are working from a game where enemies are leveled somewhere between 1-30, you could probably get away with dividing the level by 2 to figure out what their Rank in BREAK!! would be. A level 10 giant in this example would be Rank 5 and likely Massive to boot!

If there isn't a clear parallel to Rank in the source, or if the math doesn't quite work out, instead look at how strong the entity is relative to the characters in that particular game. For example, if it's a monster that's meant to go up against very powerful characters, it will probably be something that's Rank 11-15.

When choosing which aptitudes are primary and secondary, think about what the entity uses the most. A tough, brawny monster with good senses should likely have Might, Insight and Grit as primary aptitudes, leaving Deftness and Aura as the secondary ones.

If you are going for speed, when assigning something Traits give a +2 to what its most likely used aptitude, and -1 to its weak point. The aforementioned brawny monster might get a +2 Might and -1 Deftness, for example.

Figuring out Menace Level is a little trickier, but ultimately a matter of pinning down the scope of the entity in question.

  • If it's something that really shouldn't be a threat to the player characters on its own, it's likely a Mook.
  • If the entity is intended to be on the same level as a character in some form, or at least, mechanically comparable, it's a Boss.
  • If the entity is intended to tangle with a bunch of characters on its own, it's probably a Mega Boss or Colossus if its large enough.

Of course, there probably isn't going to be a perfect match here - just go with the best fit for your own purposes.

When it comes to monstrous powers and attacks, the fastest way to adapt is to think of existing abilities in BREAK!! and converting said powers to those when possible. Tough creatures with extra Hit Points might gain an Ability like the Gruun's As tough as they look. A monster with a claw attack might make unarmed strikes as if it were wielding a master weapon. A dragon's breath weapon might be similar to the effect of the Heretic's Umbral Draconis ability, and so forth.

Powers and attacks that don't have an equivalent can be altered into ones that fit with BREAK!! - for example, spells that put targets to sleep might instead incur the Fatigued or Dispirited Ailment. Try to consider what the effect is meant for in the source material and run with it. 

Attacks or effects that kill instantly or shave away a characters ranks aren't well suited for BREAK!!, so you might consider using things like the Putrefied Status Ailment or Burning/Caustic injuries to keep their danger intact but within the game's scope by giving the characters more a chance to try and counter or deal with it.

Items, traps and other magic effects

Converting these is much like converting Abilities. The quick way is to go with something existing in the game already that's a close match - a ring that allows you to fly might grant you the Sage's Practical Flight ability, a magical trap that shrinks its victims might cause the chibbed status ailment, and so forth.

When possible BREAK!! items should offer some new power or tools to players, rather than increasing bonuses. Simple items items to this effect (your +1 Swords and shields, etc) could simply be made of magical materials and have a custom weapon/shield/armor ability for a similar feel. Items with higher bonuses could grant access to appropriate Calling Abilities instead, a powerful holy sword might mimic the Battle Princess's Luminous Blade, as an example.

Most traps and hazards can be modeled as something to avoid via careful planning or dodge with Checks, with consequences coming from the Impact or Burning Injury table. Certain other traps might be re-worked as causing troublesome or dangerous ailments.

Effects that are more narrative than mechanical, like a mirror that shows one their heart's desire, can usually just be kept as is. This is probably obvious, but it still warrants mentioning.


Most maps are easy enough to convert into use for BREAK!! - for example, in a traditional dungeon layout the rooms would be Locations in an Adventure Site while the doors and hallways would be access points (though certain ones might also be considered locations if there is something to interact with there). More open places (like a large forest or abandoned town) would be even easier to use.

You might want to cut down particularly large maps into a series of connected Adventure Sites to better suit BREAK!!'s style. Each level of a classic mega-dungeon could be its own site for example. Players can tackle each distinct part in different sessions/adventures that way.

If the map comes with a Random Encounter table already prepared, you might want to alter it to be more inline with how BREAK!! uses them (including "no encounter" results, at least a few non-hostile or potentially non-hostile encounters, etc). 

If the map doesn't use Random Encounters already, consider making a new table, or even taking some of the encounters on the map and making them into random rather than guardian style encounters. You could even use some of the encounters from any discarded spots on a map to make a new table if you're reducing the size of a larger site. 

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Freebie: Akenian Relics (Gear)


Helical Archive, Magia Branch
Item(s): A0765, A0484, A0434
Classification: Minor Relics, Akenian (3rd Aeon)
Agent: Mucky Paws

After assisting the university in unsealing a door to a previously unexplored sub-basement of their primary faculty, the staff allowed us to claim three of the items found within for further study. These are:
  • A0765, designated "Mana Visor Helm"
  • A0484, designated as "Magi-Gunblade"
  • A0434, designated as "Glide Mantle"

The three items have the characteristic visual flourish of Akenian equipment and are in working condition thanks to being primarily made of sungold and other superior materials. While all three are unique in manufacture, they follow a similar styling of equipment connected to Mage Knights, so it can be reasonably concluded they belonged to a retainer of one that was highly skilled and did not have magical capabilities of their own.

Mana Visor Helm

This ornate helm includes a crystal visor that allows the wearer to see the flow of concentrated mana, allowing them to visually confirm spells are present or being cast. Presumably, a skilled combatant can use this increased awareness to their advantage.
  • Anyone wearing the Mana Visor Helm is able to see the flow of mana. This should be noted during Exploration.
  • In addition, the Helm grants the wearer a +2 (Minor) Bonus on Insight and Deftness Rolls for avoiding a Magical Ability or effect.
  • COST: N/A, Slots: 1


An elegant weapon suitable for both close quarters combat and sniping. The built in spell canister also meant the weapon could be used even if one did not have any physical ammunition on hand.  While kept in good condition, the handle is quite worn, demonstrating this was well used.
  • The Magi-Gunblade is a Master/Large Mechanical Missile Combo Weapon made from sungold.
  • Rather than normal ammunition, the Magi-Gunblade utilizes Spell Canisters, a specialized form of Spell Engine. One of these is placed in a chamber between the blade and grip.
    • Spell Canisters come in many variations, but two examples are..
    • Infinity Shot: The most common type of Spell Canister. These draw in ambient mana and compress it into a projectile. This process begins again the moment the Magi-Gunblade is fired. This means while the weapon must still be "reloaded" once used, this process happens automatically and the wielder can act normally in the turn while the canister charges.
    • Wide Shot: This Canister unleashes a blast of energy that bursts into many deadly fragments. When used, the wielder's attack is made against everyone occupying a targeted Area, hitting anyone whose defense the result matches or exceeds. Once used, this canister must be recharged in the same way as a normal small spell engine.
  • Spell Canisters take an action to replace in the middle of a fight or perilous situation.
  • COST: N/A, 2 Slots 

Glide Mantle

A grand cape that billows dramatically when worn, but manages to never get in the way while doing so. This sort of thing was considered very stylish in ancient Akenia. It also grants its bearer the ability to ride the wind.
  • The Glide Mantle grants its wearer the sage ability Practical Flight as long as the wind is present. This is generally the case outdoors, though it might also be the case within certain structures (like a cavern an outside breeze carries through) at the GM's discretion. 
  • Cost: N/A, 1 Slot 

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Setting: The Seven Masks of the Wondersmith

The Wondersmith is an enigmatic figure in Outer World's mythology. A protege of the Creator who was present for the forging of Promise, it was their hands that crafted Outer World, the Sun Machine, and many other things at the behest of the Unshaped and their own whims. When the Unshaped were  defeated, the Wondersmith vanished from the lips and minds of balladeers and chroniclers - though obviously not from history entirely.

Throughout the aeons the Wondersmith has remained, though all that follow them are rumors and folktales. Strange towers and devices are attributed to them. They are added to many great and terrible events in history by whispers and tall tales after the fact. Folk just go along with it as well: of course, why wouldn't the Wondersmith be involved?

Descriptions of the Wondersmith are extremely varied. A bouncing, jocular toymaker. A plump and kindly baker. A wiry blacksmith who lets their craft speak for them, just to name a few. The only consistency is flowing red clothing and a golden mask of some kind. It is often assumed that those making these claims are mistaken, or coloring their experience in some way. But they are not - these individuals and more are all the Wondersmith. They are simply one of their 7 masks.

For you see, long ago, the Wondersmith realized that all things, even things that think they are forever, have an ending of some kind. The Wondersmith could craft a 1000 Outer Worlds, 10'0000 Sun Machines, and in spite of the skill and perseverance required for such a task, Ending would still find them and eventually grind them into gossamer and stardust. It might take multitudes of aeons, but it would still happen somewhere, someday, and this inevitability, this end of hope, was too much for the Wondersmith to bear.

So they came to a simple conclusion. They would outmaneuver Ending.

With their many tools they split their soul into seven parts, and gave each a mask: forger, cook, artificer, alchemist, tailor, gadgeteer and cartographer. Each was then granted a unique form and demeanor by the others, and went their separate ways and spread across the whole of Outer World, save the cartographer, who remains in a secret place that even their compatriots know little about. The exploits of each is shared to the others through their masks, and if Ending catches one through one of its many agents, the others will quickly know and act as needed.

So far, this final step has not been called upon. Each has wandered and even have settled into various places for a time, unmolested by the inevitability their grand efforts have sought to avoid for at least 2 ages at this point. But this has only made them more careful and worried. In the time they have spent apart, each has began to plot on their own, creating a great, increasingly wide and brittle web of schemes. Each believes they might have stumbled upon the answer, the thing that will grant them true eternity.

They are wrong, of course - but when has that stopped anybody, really?

Monday, 13 January 2025

The BREAK!! store is open!


Just a short but exciting announcement today, but our store is now open!

Physical and digital books now available to everyone!

Prices are discounted for a short period - to celebrate the launch!

Visit the shop

Note: If you're a FLGS checkout the wholesale section (and sign up for discounts!)

Friday, 3 January 2025

Freebie: Harmful Terrain

Traveling throughout Outer World is exciting, but also perilous. Sometimes the danger doesn't come from a monster or ne'er-do-well like one might expect, but from the land itself.
Below are a few examples of Harmful Terrain as described in the Journey section of the BREAK!! tabletop rpg rulebook. These might surround an important adventure site, add some perilous color to a location in your saga, or work as an explanation as to why merchants usually take the long way around when traveling to a particular settlement.
Ailments contracted from the below Harmful Territory examples can be healed in the normal fashion described in their individual entries, Abilities that remove said Ailments, or by simply remaining outside of the Harmful Terrain for at least 24 hours and resting. Also note that Bio-Mechanoids and other characters immune to things that affect organic individuals are immune to effects that can be blocked with re-breathers or armor with the Anti-Hazard custom ability.

Scorching Sands

  • Most commonly encountered in the Blazing Garden, these desserts have absorbed so much of the sun machine's light that they have become dangerously hot. Watch out for all the fire aligned creatures that stalk these sands!
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through or entering the Scorching Sands means you incur the Fatigued Ailment. You can avoid this by wearing Extreme Weather Clothing (Heat).
  • Inhabitants: Monsters in the sands often breathe fire and have protection from heat. It's said dancing cacti that bring luck hang around as well, but few have ever seen them.

Doldrum Flats

  • Certain places in the Wistful Dark are so devoid of joy and energy that they sap that from anything traveling around them. This is usually due to the presence of a particularly terrible curse or grudge. These places are grey and near lifeless, with twisted plant life and some sort of heavy mist framing them.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through or entering the Doldrum Flats means you incur the Dispirited Ailment. You can avoid this if wearing armor with the Anti-Hazard custom ability.
  • Inhabitants: Not many creatures are able to live in the Doldrum Flats, though wicked undead are fond of wandering around them hoping to pick off helplessly despondent travelers. Strangely, the occasional flower will grow here and these are beautiful and rather valuable.

Confounding Cavern

  • Deep in the Buried Kingdom are caverns of reflective crystal and echoing halls that confuse and discombobulate. It's very easy to lose both your senses and your way in these winding tunnels. Scholars wonder if some primordial magic left behind by the Creator is to blame.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through or entering a Confounding Cavern means you incur the Disoriented Ailment. Understanding Creator's Script renders you immune to this effect.
  • Inhabitants: The main dangers here come from getting lost or harming yourself. These caverns often seem to be near places of ancient importance and so any defenses or guardians of such locations also pose a threat.

Petrifying Forest 

  • Sometimes if an unshaped is slain in a particularly violent or indelicate way, its body curses the ground where it lies and fills it with calcifying energy. The trees that grow here are made of bone, ice, or rock, and anything living that passes through has a chance of joining them in that state.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through or entering a Petrifying Forest means you incur the Petrified Ailment. This can be avoided by wearing armor with the Anti-Hazard custom Ability.
  • Inhabitants: Twisted monsters made of the forest's cursed material wander these places and collect - or destroy - statues made from unwary travelers. They are tough and difficult to harm, but some might make for good crafting material if skinned.

Bounce Bog 

  • Among the marshes and wetlands of the Twilight Meridian is the occasional Bounce Bog, where pent up whimsy gasses can cause animal, monster, and folk alike to become oddly buoyant. The animals and plants that live in these places are sometimes carried elsewhere by the wind, which can warn travelers of their presence.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through or entering a Bounce Bog means you incur the Ballooned Ailment. This can be avoided by wearing a Re-Breather, or armor with the Anti-Hazard custom Ability.
  • Inhabitants: Creatures that have adapted to these places use their odd state to their advantage, bobbing smoothly along the surface of the water. Some of the larger floating plants can be used as makeshift transportation if pruned.

Frosted Tundra

  • The eternal night of the Wistful Dark can create these bitterly cold regions that are often covered in a blanket of permanent snow. The wind here can occasionally sound like mournful singing, only making it all the more haunting.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through a Frosted Tundra means you incur the Fatigued Ailment. This can be avoided by wearing an Extreme Weather (Cold) outfit.
  • Inhabitants and Other Dangers: The monsters that wander a Frosted Tundra are unsurprisingly imbued with ice abilities. The occasional frozen undead also graces these dreadful lands.

Flux Fields

  • Flux fields are odd spots where the flow of mana is so precariously balanced it's actually volatile, causing the landscape and its inhabitants to shift on occasion and become a little gooey. These are mostly found in the Twilight Meridian, but have been seen in other parts of Outer World as well.
  • Contracted Ailment: Failing a Grit Check while traveling through a Flux Field means you incur the Jellyfied Ailment. This can be avoided by wearing armor with the Anti-Hazard custom ability.
  • Inhabitants and Other Dangers: Odd, flexible monsters that look partially melted stalk the Flux Field. In addition, certain individuals find the risks of living in them are outweighed by the potential magical studies that can be conducted in these spaces.

Prismatic Wasteland 

  • Many ancient facilities from the 3rd Aeon have gone unmaintained, falling in disrepair and creating an excess of magic that pollutes the land. Frankly, some of these structures were doing it while they were being maintained, but that's neither here nor there. The thing to understand is that the spots getting the worst of it sprout any number of strange magical flora, becoming garishly colorful and dangerous.
  • Contracted Ailment: Traveling through a Prismatic Wasteland exposes you to Arcane Contamination Syndrome. This can be avoided by wearing armor with the Anti-Hazard Custom ability.
    • GM NOTE!: This one is just here to show that you can play around with Harmful Terrain to induce other effects alongside Status Ailments!
  • Inhabitants and Other Dangers: Creatures within the Prismatic Wasteland often have abilities associated with a particular Odditis symptom. In addition, while the plants here are contaminated, they often can be used to make potent imbued consumables.


Saturday, 21 December 2024

Freebie: Sipping Sojourn, or Beverages of Outer World Part 2 (Crafting)

Continuing this month's theme, here's some materials and additives Outer World inhabitants might use to make potions and other arcane consumables...




Dark Coffee Beans (Magic Consumable, Solid/Liquid)

Aromatic coffee beans that are unique to the Wistful Dark, due to needing to be grown under the light of a Star Shard in soil saturated with dark mana. While usually used to make particularly rich potions, they are sometimes employed for flavoring in baked goods and other dishes as well.

Dark Coffee Beans must be roasted and ground up to be used properly, which can be easily done in a workshop or with access to a hand grinder (a common urban good per the BREAK!! rulebook) and some sort of fire or other means to roast them. Already ground beans can even be used to make potions outside of a workshop if the crafter has access to some sort of percolating device (another common urban good). Any potion made with these lovely beans is always comfortably warm.

  • Cost: 50 Coins Per unit

Whiskey Dour (Magic Consumable, Liquid)

A strong liquor that is distilled from a variety of things found in the Buried Kingdoms over a long period of time with a taste compared to a kick from a particularly mean-spirited Rokko-do. It's so named for the tendency for one to feel particularly obstinate after drinking enough of it. Some scholars theorize it absorbs the energy of strife from the land, but others point out its probably just strong enough to make one drunk rather quickly.

While expensive, potions made with Whiskey Dour are very potent, only requiring a sip or shot to gain its effects. Effectively, 1 Unit of a potion made with this consumable may be imbibed twice, though you gain no additional effects for drinking it all at once beyond getting a little tipsy.

  • Cost: 1 Gem Per Unit




Chrono Creamer

Whenever someone goes "where has the time gone?" they often don't realize that sometimes the answer is "in that bumpo milk you left out too long". Sometimes a lost moment or two gets absorbed by this delicious substance, a phenomenon that sages the world over have been attempting to figure out for centuries to no avail.

Imbuable Abilities

  • Eldritch: Anyone ingesting a consumable made with Chrono Creamer may take a single additional Turn at any point in the next 24 hours. This Turn may follow their normal actions or even allow for them to interrupt the actions of another. 
    • Note: Attempts to gain use of this Ability more than once in a 24 hour cycle (by consuming more than one potion imbued with it, for example) simply results in the imbiber magically aging a year without any additional benefits.
  • Glamor: Anyone ingesting this consumable may shift their appearance to look 10 years older for 24 hours. This is useful for disguises and may also cause the temporary loss of the Young quirk.
  • Cost: 25 Coins

Scholar's Syrup

This delicious sap is drawn from trees which have heard many stories, lectures, and other enlightening oration over a long period of time. Just a small bit of it can provide a bit of clarity or inspiration to even the most befuddled of minds if properly prepared. Treats and warm drinks flavored with this substance are much coveted by students during important exams.

Imbuable Abilities

  • Empowering: If a companion ingests a consumable flavored by Scholar's Syrup while they participate in a Training your companions downtime action, their teacher gains an Edge on their Aura Roll for the contest that takes place during it.
  • Eldritch: If you ingest a consumable flavored by Scholar's Syrup, an answer for something you've been thinking about suddenly comes to you. This can come in the form of a fact you need at moment of consumption (at GM's discretion) or an Adventure Hook resembling the one you would get from a Research your next adventure downtime action.
  • Cost: 25 Coins


Friday, 6 December 2024

Setting: Sipping Sojourn, or Beverages of Outer World

 Fortunately for its inhabitants, Outer World is not short of things to drink. Even plain water is said to taste different depending on region: In the Wistful Dark it's said to be a bit sweet, refreshing and clear in the Blazing Garden, a little tart in the Twilight Meridian and a bit spicy in the Buried Kingdoms. Of course, this sort of thing can't really be proven no matter how many folks swear by it.

Those seeking something beyond simple water have a bevy of options, assuming they have access or the coin for it. Many high end establishments in Aeon will offer somewhat diluted bright water with crushed fruit in it for flavor. The authorities in Old Iron occasionally imbibe grime goo as a luxury. Even in the Shadowed Lands, nomads will occasionally make spirits from meltshrooms and other magical toadstools they can find.

Elevated beyond normal beverages are potions. Even the most basic of these are charged with a bit of magic and sold for a fair amount of coin. Potion making techniques and recipes come in many forms, each a unique expression of both the tradition surrounding them and their individual crafters:

  • The most common sorts are delightfully fizzy soft drinks that tickle the tongue all while energizing you. While Merona Pop is spreading throughout Outer World thanks to its owner's deal with the Guild of Shard, smaller, local efforts are becoming more and more common - especially as 3rd Aeon facilities related to their creation are uncovered and reactivated.
  • Each of the surface regions of Outer World has its own sort of tea leaves that can be steeped for a long time and create understated but very distinct potions that tend towards deep colors and strong flavors. From the crimson teas of the Blazing Garden that taste of fruit, to the darker teas of the Wistful Dark that patricians like to drink with a bit of warm spice sprinkled on top.
  • Coffee is mostly found in the parts of the world bathed in the Sun Machine's light and is very popular among travelers. Certain potent beans can be used to make particularly rich potions, though there is much contention on what additives should be used when making such concoctions. It is whispered that Emperor Regulus prefers his black.
  • Certain rituals and materials can produce liquors that make for fine potions, though given the time needed for such things these tend to be created by long-lived crafters or organizations. This does make them quite coveted and valued however, if only due to their relative rarities and unique taste.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

Freebie: Arcane Contamination Syndrome (Magical Disease)

Arcane Contamination Syndrome (Odditis)

A chronic mystical illness caused by exposure to excessive, uncontrolled, or otherwise dangerous magical energies, Arcane Contamination Syndrome is an annoying but non-fatal magical disease as classified by the Helical Archive. Usually referred to as “Odditis” by laymen, a few historical texts note that this strange malady has been vexing folk potentially as far back as the 2nd Aeon.


Arcane Contamination Syndrome is usually contracted when consuming items that have been tainted by magical pollution or exposure to bursts of unrefined mana. Certain creatures and Abilities may also infect individuals.

  • Whenever you are exposed to Arcane Contamination due to staying in a place with excessive magical pollution, consuming tainted food or drink, or are the target of an ability or other source noted to cause Odditis, make a Grit Check.

  • On a success, you are free of Arcane Contamination Syndrome and are immune to contracting it for 24 hours.

  • On a failure, you are afflicted with Arcane Contamination Syndrome

Stages of Infection

There is only one stage of infection of Arcane Contamination Syndrome. It is a persistent and annoying malady, rather than one that progresses in a potentially lethal way.

  • Once you have contracted Odditis, roll on the symptom table and apply the result immediately. This effect ends after 24 hours, after which you should roll again for a new symptom, and repeat.

Arcane Contamination Symptoms (Roll)

1-2: Word Bubbles -  Anytime you try to speak, nothing but bubbles come out. This prevents you from verbal communication or using any Abilities that require speech. Sounds emerge if the bubbles burst, but anything longer than a short phrase is so jumbled it’s unintelligible.

3-4: Dizzy Distress - Your head is spinning and nothing makes sense! You are afflicted with the Disoriented Ailment for the duration of this symptom.

5-6: Grossly Incandescent  - Your body glows brightly, making it hard to look at you directly. You do provide illumination like a torch, but you stick out like a sore thumb in the shadows and darkness, making stealth almost impossible unless you cover yourself up  completely.

7-8: Stony Feet - Your lower half turns to stone! You remain on the first stage of the Petrification Ailment for the duration of this symptom.

9-10: Hex Shrunk - You won’t be reaching the top shelf for a bit. You are afflicted with the Chibbed Ailment for the duration of this symptom.

11-12: Hammed Hands - Your hands grow to twice their size, less than optimal for delicate tasks. You have a Snag on all Deftness Checks and Contests requiring fine motor skills involving your massive mitts, and cannot properly use small tools and weapons (such as Concealed Melee and Small Mechanical Missile Weapons).

13-14: Stretch Sickness - You’re suddenly much taller. This growth isn’t proportional though, and you’ve grown gangly and awkward. For the duration of this symptom you have a Snag on all Deftness Checks and are probably hitting your head on the top of doorways a lot.

15-16: The Jumbles - You just don’t feel quite right. Your positive traits invert into negative versions of themselves, subtracting from your aptitudes instead of adding to them for the duration of this symptom.

17-18: Spell Spots - You’re covered in odd colored spots! Unfortunately these act as mana magnets of sorts - for the duration of this symptom you have a Snag when trying to roll to resist or avoid a magical effect or Ability.

19-20: The Wobblies
- You’ve become downright gelatinous. For the duration of this symptom you’re afflicted with the Jellified Ailment.

GM Tip!: Many of these symptoms can be isolated and used as new Status Ailments to be inflicted by adversary abilities and adventure site perils.

Treatment & Cure


Not ingesting any contaminated or imbued consumables and avoiding being the direct target of any magical abilities for at least a week will cure you of Arcane Contamination Syndrome.
Having the effects dispelled by the Sage’s Demystify or a similar Ability will also free you of this magical disease.


Sunday, 10 November 2024

Setting: Outer World Holidays

Every place has its notable days of observance, celebration, and remembrance. Outer World is no exception to this rule, though such dates come in two varieties: the ordinary sort that vary from region to region, and days where reality is just a bit off somehow.

Holidays can come up in your BREAK!! game as a bit of setting background or the focus of an adventure. As a rule of thumb, each holiday can be used once per Saga. Running the same holidays in a future Saga can also be a fun way to connect it to an older one as well.

Ordinary Holidays

Celebrated on a specific date each year, these holidays are not unlike those of the Otherworld's in practice, even if they are quite different in subject. 

While the days for observing the cataclysms are known worldwide, most holidays are tied to a specific region or belief system.

Awakening: When the Unshaped's grip on Outer World faltered, the chaotic state of reality transitioned into something more stable and welcoming to the folk. Since this was the ending of a period of time known as The Dreaming this was called the Awakening, with the first day of every subsequent year being referred to as such. Outer Worlders tend to spend this holiday with their closest loved ones, trading gifts, singing songs, and generally celebrating the reality they share. At the end of the revelry, one is meant to reflect upon the wishes in their heart and choose one to announce to whoever they happen to be around.

Crownsfall: While the fall of the Iron King, the banishment of the Divine Rulers, and the peace that came from it are all serious matters, Crownsfall is a holiday that starts somberly but inevitably gives way to raucous celebration. Readings and performances of  the song of Aken end and effigies of the Iron King are strung up to be mocked by crowds. Excessive drinking is accompanied by joyful folks dancing and singing the popular satirical folk song "Rusty ol' crown". A handful of people sometimes try to loudly lament the fall of order and are usually pelted with rotten vegetables while being booed.

Sunshatter: Outer Worlders commemorate the day of the Sun Machine's breaking differently. Those who live in the darker parts of the surface do so with a melancholy ceremony, where special lanterns and candles are lit and snuffed out ritualistically. Folk who reside in the bright parts of the world jubilantly take in the light before offering condolences to the rest of Outer World with a quiet song. For the underdwellers of the Buried Kingdoms? It's just another day.

Religious Holidays: Most of the belief systems in Outer World have a handful of dates they celebrate. Certain members of the Dawn Orthodoxy observe First Hero's Day, Dark Adventists have Truewish, which is a day to reflect on the wishes you didn't want to share during Awakening, The Twilight Manifest has a day of fasting known as Median. Various gods, immortals, and other beings also have pushed their own holidays with varying degrees of success.

Regional Holidays: Some holidays are attached to a where as well as a when. Fishing festivals found along the islands of the Galvanus Archipelago, a celebration of the founding of Shard known as Crystaldawn, and New Ore's Important Noise Day are all examples of regional holidays. Most of those celebrating are more than happy to fill outsiders in on the festivities.

Flux Days

On these days Outer World is very different in some particular way. They do not happen every year, and it's theorized that they are a result of reality adjusting to correct some imbalance. 

Standardween: A very regular day. Most people in Outer World can tell it's Standardween thanks to a feeling of unexciting comfort. Things are far more certain than they usually are.

  • Whenever you apply a purview to a Check or Contest on Standardween, you may choose to apply a result of 5 on the dice instead of rolling.
  • Unshaped vanish from reality on Standardween, returning after the day is done.

Bumblegux: A particularly odd day in an already odd world, everyone knows when a Bumblegux is happening because everything looks a little wrong - your hair might be the wrong color, your voice an octave higher, your craving for might muffins much stronger, so on and so forth. Of course, the strangeness only increases from there.

  • Every Settlement and Adventure site has a random Whimsy Effect applied to it on Bumblegux. The effect vanishes once it's over.

Aether Day: Of the flux dates, Aether day is the hardest one to detect. Everything seems normal, though nothing works out quite like you expect it too.

  • On Aether Day, BREAK!!'s mechanics are replaced with those of another tabletop rpg whose rules you have on hand. Alternatively, all conflict resolutions are decided in some other form - playing "War" with a deck of cards, matches in a fighting game, rock-paper-scissors, etc.



Sunday, 20 October 2024

Freebie: Haunted Sites

The stubborn dead aren't an entirely uncommon phenomenon in Outer World. Death is normally the end and for some folk that simply won't do. Corpses walk and occasionally talk, little spirits flutter about, skeletons get some really big ideas. It might not be the norm, but it's not going to surprise anyone too much when it happens.

However, there are times when someone refuses to pass on in a far more dramatic and dangerous way. They become tethered to a place, becoming a part of it and emerging as a menace to anyone who dare venture into their domain.

This is an entry about Ghosts and the Haunted Sites they reside in.


Ghost is a general term for an undying spirit that haunts a particular place or area. Their presence makes an Adventure Site into a Haunted Site. Normally, a ghost cannot be confronted materially - they do not have a physical form and strike at invaders using a sort of phantom magic (as noted in the Haunted Sites rules) until the interlopers leave or join the ranks of the dead.

There is no one sort of ghost. When creating one, it's important consider the following aspects:

  • What tethers their malice to this site? They might be a parent looking for their lost child in the aftermath of a tragedy, a slain tyrant skulking the halls of their ruined castle in search of traitors, or a beast whose blood lust was stronger than the death brought on by the spear and bow.
  • Once you know what they are, you can decide on their themes. This helps with providing flavor for Haunting Effects: the lost parent's presence may be heralded by soft beckoning and visions of bodies riddled with wounds from the tragedy, the tyrant may lash at targets with chains and edicts, the beast's would likely include guttural roars, crawling vermin, unseen claws and teeth.
  • What happens when the Ghost's Manifesting Rite is performed. Do they depart from this mortal coil thanks to some truth being revealed? Or do they take on a physical form and attack those who dared confront them? If it's the latter, you'll want to make an adversary entry for them. They tend to have a menace level of Mega-Boss and a rank of 6 or higher, but weaker, lower ranked ghosts aren't impossible.

Manifesting Rite

As stated previously, it's normally impossible to deal with a ghost by normal or even magical means. They have no material form, and are instead existing within the mana of the place they haunt. If someone wants to exorcise a ghost, they must perform a task that draws them into the physical world known as a Manifesting Ritual.

Manifesting Rites are not uniform. They might involve returning a sacred item to its proper place, righting some ancient wrong, or proving that whatever the ghost is waiting for is long gone from the world. The only thing they all have in common is that they should all involve traversing the ghost's Haunted Site in some way.

Once the Manifesting Rite is complete, the ghost takes on a physical form. They then either accept their passing and disperse permanently or to attack whoever completed the rite.

Haunted Sites

A Haunted Site is an Adventure Site that a ghost is present in. These sites function normally in regards to the exploration rules (though the ghost's presence could have an effect on the nature of the site or how the inhabitants act) but have the additional consideration of Haunting Effects.

Haunting Effects occur in the following circumstances.

  • Every other time the party moves to a new point (including back-tracking) on the adventure site map.
  • Any time the party decides to investigate or linger at a point.
  • Whenever someone does something connected to the ghost's reason for haunting the site or something that might upset or anger the ghost, at GM's Discretion.

Whenever one of these comes up, you should roll once on the Random Target Table to decide which member of the party is the potential target of the haunting, then roll on the Haunting Effect Table and then play out the effect. In the case of someone doing something that would catch the ghost's attention, you may also simply target them instead of rolling for a random target.

Random Target Table (Re-Roll in the case of tie)

  • 1- Character with the lowest Might
  • 2- Character with the highest Might
  • 3- Character with the lowest Deftness
  • 4- Character with the highest Deftness
  • 5- Character with the lowest Grit
  • 6- Character with the highest Grit
  • 7- Character with the lowest Insight
  • 8- Character with the highest Insight
  • 9- Character with the lowest Aura
  • 10- Character with the highest Aura
  • 11- Character with who was most recently injured
  • 12- Character who last failed a check or attack roll
  • 13- Character with the highest bright allegiance
  • 14- Character with the highest dark allegiance
  • 15- Character wearing the brightest color
  • 16- Character with the least amount of inventory slots full
  • 17- Character who last used a magical ability
  • 18- Character who last shouted
  • 19- Character who last drew blood
  • 20- Character who is having the worst day

Haunting Effect Table

  • 1-10: Something spooky and characteristic of the haunt happens, but no harm comes to the party. These usually come in the form of noises, apparitions, or paranormal events appearing in front of or around the group. They may hint at what needs to happen to manifest the Haunt.
  • 11-15: The haunt appears and performs some terrifying action that inflicts a Physical Jinx on a randomly selected target unless they can make a Deftness Check to dodge it. These Jinxes last until the haunt is exorcised, placated, or the target remains away from the haunted site for at least a week.
  • 16: A personalized vision of terror flashes through the mind of the target, striking at the core of their psyche. They let out a loud cry of anger, dismay, or terror and incur two random encounter rolls unless they make a Grit check to steel themselves.
  • 17: A voice that sounds like someone the target loves or trusts beckons them elsewhere. They move towards the most dangerous adjacent point in the Adventure Site unless they make a Insight check to keep their senses.
  • 18: The haunt attempts to posses the target, and will do so unless they succeed on an Aura check to assert their sense of self. The haunt then attempts to do one action to hinder the party as best they can, snuffing out a torch, using a destructive ability, etc, before departing with a cackle or threat.
  • 19: A disorienting spatial wave washes over the entire party, and they are all thrown to a different point of the Adventure Site. This is either deep within the site's depths or at the entrance, depending on the temperament of the Haunt.
  • 20: The target's body is contorted and twisted by the haunt's wrath. They incur a light injury unless they succeed on a Might check to resist the ordeal.

GM Tip!: A re-skinned Skelemonarch can make for quick and easy stats for a ghost. The shadow beast also works well. That said, it'd probably be more fun to make up your own.

Saturday, 12 October 2024

Discord User Adversary Collection

A little bonus update this week - Discord user Quagg (an extremely good bean whose helped us in the past with hyperlinking and the like) has been collecting their own and other's custom adversaries into one large sheet that's available for anyone to use. There are 65+ entries and more being added every day. There is even a link to a form to submit your own creations. It's a great resource for anyone running a BREAK!! game.

Check it out:

BREAK!! Homebrew Compendium

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Setting: The Eaten Isle

(I asked members of our discord to vote on what part of the setting to write for in October, and the Eaten Isle won out! So enjoy a bit of history of one of Outer World's spookier locales.)

 The Eaten Isle

Adrift in the Shadowed Sea is an accursed place called the Eaten Isle. So known due to its fractured landscape - particularly an inlet sea that formerly hosted a great city and green, fertile lands among other things. It is a dire place, ruined by magic pollution that has stripped away any proper life and leaving only behind bestial husks, twisted flora, and the stubborn dead to wander its many sprawling ruins and bleak landscapes. While certainly not the subject of great ballads and old tales, the Eaten Isle and its history are often on the minds of academics and weavers of magic: it is a shameful, harrowing, and cautionary tale.

So it was

The Eaten Isle was once known as Yeso the Splendid. It was chosen to be the seat of power during the reign of the Divine Rulers in the 2nd Aeon due to its natural beauty, and eventually hosted their holy capital. Great temples and other places of power were erected throughout the island, each intertwined with the forests and lakes around it and connected to the capital via sigil roads. While the Divine Ruler's reign was harsh, Yeso was the Queen of Crystal's favorite part of the realm and thusly spared the most tyrannical aspects of their leadership. Even the Iron King seemed to relax a bit when present on the island - though all living there knew not to cross their monarch, regardless of how his expression might soften.

This peace was disrupted during the 2nd Cataclysm, when rebels from either side of the empire brought the fight to the home of the Divine Rulers themselves. There is no need to go over the various stratagems that brought the insurrection victory, as all are well versed in the stories of how the first mages used the very sigil roads themselves to assault the holy capital, or how Princess Aken lost her duel with the Iron King but finally inspired the people of the island to rise up against him. But needless to say, when this great conflict was ended, Yeso lie in ruins.

Generations passed. From the ashes of the Divine Ruler's empire rose the nations of Akenia and Calian, and those nations grew into fearsome powers themselves. Yeso remained unclaimed by either country, those remaining there happy to rebuild their homes and live quietly among past glories.

Such is the way it went for some time.

During the height of the 3rd Aeon, a conflict erupted between Akenia and Calian. It was one of many small wars the two countries waged, so countless that most of them are forgotten to time. But this one was darker and fiercer than many of the others, as it erupted in the ruins of the holy capital, far away from the soil of either participating nation. Neither the spell-knights or master fleshwarpers there felt a need too hold back so they unleashed the full extent of their power. This drawn out affair ended in a dramatic battle between the Gigaframe Paladinius and a bio-titan called Ragnarok, the two weapons managing to smash each other's spellcore in a final exchange and causing a massive explosion that blasted away all that remained of the holy capital, leaving nothing but a crater behind. 

The mana from both machines infused into the very soil and water of Yeso, and even disastrously reactivated the broken sigil roads. The result was a burst of twisted magic that managed to corrupt the entire island and every living thing on it. It's very nature became crumbling and ruined, as if it was slowly being consumed by some unseen force. It was then the Eaten Isle was born.

So it is

After the incident nothing truly lived on the Eaten Isle. Plants grow in spite of being withered and gnarled, the dead walk and even carry on a semblance of their lives before. Insects and other pests have grown to an enormous size after glutting on the poison that infects the land. The crater that once was the holy capital flooded, creating a bay so deadly that even the fiercest of creatures avoid it. The air is thick with a miasma born of arcane pollution so strong that its impossible to safely traverse the surface of the island without a rebreather.

The Eaten Isle is dreadful place, and yet...

If one braves the writhing flora and gnashing creatures of the rotting forests, they may come across the temples of old and learn a great deal about the 2nd Aeon and its glories.

If one is willing to navigate through the mocking and hungry dead, they might be able to purchase some cursed wonder at the necropolis bazaar.

If one finds a way to plunge into the depths of the sea of slime, they may claim whats left of the very weapons that spoiled the splendid isle.

The Eaten Isle is a dreadful place, but it calls to the adventurous and foolhardy. 

As long as daring souls think they can discover something in that terrible place, it will never want for new dead to join the ranks of its inhabitants. 


Saturday, 28 September 2024

Author Appearences!

 In case you missed them, Co-Creator Reynaldo was recently on both a podcast and an RPG roundtable. If you are so inclined, check them out below!

Reynaldo on the podcast "Weird games & Weirder people"

Reynaldo participating in a round-table about similarly themed trpgs:


Sunday, 22 September 2024

FREEBIE: Surf and Turf (Gadabovids and Neridians)

Outer World is home to a large number of intelligent species. While the main ones are covered in the BREAK!! rulebook, there are still plenty more to be found. In this entry, we’ll cover two new Species who are respectively tied to the land and sea.


Impressive folk that are robust in body and heart. The Gadabovids are well known for their proficiency for living off the land and keeping their feet planted firmly on the ground.

Physiology: Gadabovid are much taller and broader than the average human and are cattle-like in appearance. Some sport horns to go along with their impressive physique.

Typical Demeanor: Being naturally adept at harvesting from the land and being communal sorts overall, the gadabovid have a tendency towards being friendly and generous. As befitting their size, they are also often charmingly boisterous.


  • Hoarding things from potential friends in times of plenty and offering things you can’t afford to give away are equally foolish things to do.
  • The world will provide if you’re patient.
  • There is no shame in throwing your weight around when the situation calls for it.
  • Mosey when you can, chances to relax don’t come often.
  • Know when to back off: no use getting your horns stuck in a bad place.

History: Gadabovid have lived in the Blazing Garden for at least as long as the Mundymutts have, migrating between No-Folk Land and the Pride Coast. Their own history does make note of a forgotten unshaped, so it’s likely they have been on Outer World for quite some time.

While they stuck to Blazing Garden for a long time, the 4th Aeon has seen the gadabovid migrate outwards and now they can be found living on all corners of Outer World.

Adventurers: While most gadabovid tend towards settling down and cultivating the land, those among them with wanderlust are celebrated and encouraged. Heck, they may even find a new place to call home while they are out there seeing the world!

Typical Names: Gadabovid given names draw from a mysterious folklore shared among their species. Their family names usually come from their homesteads.

Examples: Jesse Littlehouse, Sundance Openrange, Annie Prairiefarm, Etta Stonyranch

Innate Abilities

Species Size

Among the large species, gadabovids stand between the Promethean and Gruun, not being quite as towering as the former or quite as robust as the latter.

  • You are Large.


Thanks to a certain sense of direction and just overall strong senses for this sort of thing, gadabovids are remarkably good at finding food in the wild.

  • You have an Edge on rolls made to Forage during journeys. If you are Foraging with multiple people, this Edge applies to whoever rolls.
  • You gain an additional 2 Rations on a successful foraging roll.

Advanced Abilities

Labyrinth Intuition

Some gadabovid are able to apply the senses that guide them while looking for food to assist them while in dangerous places and dark dungeons.

  • You have an Edge on any Insight Check made During Stealthy movement while exploring Adventure Sites and can also Roll Insight Checks to notice things even during Hasty Movement.


One of the more mysterious species on Outer World, the neriedians are an aquatic people who only occasionally come to the surface.

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Setting: The Helical Archive

Scholars and scribes have quite a bit to do in Outer World. Settlements need someone around to decipher some manner of old documentation no one has time for anymore, ruins from several eras lie about with old history to record, and there is always very important information about some obstacle or threat that needs to be relayed to the folks about to confront it. Most probably wouldn't say knowledge is power, but would readily agree that it is one of the larger keys to it.

And just as witches form covens and knights join orders for safety, sharing of resources, and the advancement of their ideals, those who feel that Outer World would benefit from the dissemination of knowledge also band into groups to further their cause. While a variety of such scholarly organizations exist, no one would question that the most famous among them is the Helical Archive, a group based in the island of Stahlfeld and named for the odd semi-spiral building that they use as their headquarters. Originally founded to assist Junkers in the area in identifying and repairing old technology, the Archive has grown considerably from these humble roots, now boasting locations all throughout Outer World and an organizational account with the Paw Post.

The Helical Archive enjoys a mostly loose knit hierarchy. It's director is a bio-mechanoid named Plum, whose driving goal is to rediscover the methods of creating more of her species. That said, as a former adventurer, she's innately curious and more than willing to support the variety of ongoing studies that the Archive has open. From there, each branch has its own sub-director who balances the books (figuratively - though, given how cluttered many of these offices are, sometimes literally as well) and keeps track of the clerks and other employees that work under them. Researchers acting as field agents are the members of the archive that adventurers will likely be most familiar with. In fact, many of them join adventuring parties themselves!

While generally a benevolent organization, most of the Helical Archives activities require extensive funding. This is usually gained via partnerships with local governments, wealthy patrons, and small fees charged for individual services. While considered essential to many places, this has made the archive unpopular in other spots, like the cities of Magia and Portia (due to their respective universities seeing the Helical Archive as competition) or smaller groups of scholars (who think the archive's broad methods are foolish, glory-seeking, money-grubbing, or some combination of the three). 

Director Plum takes this animosity in stride, as she knows most of them will come running to the Helical Archive the minute something totally unexpected comes up anyway.

Friday, 30 August 2024

BREAK!! x Animon Story


In case you missed it, BREAK!! will be having a crossover with Animon Story, a tabletop rpg inspired by various things in the monster buddy genre. It's for their new Legend's Wake kickstarter - read more about it here! We're big fans of the original Animon Story release, so this is a very exciting team up for us.

I don't want to give too much away just yet, but this will include some BREAK!! style mechanics as well as something that ties in with Outer World itself. It'll be great!

Friday, 23 August 2024

Setting/Freebie: Famed Performances

Song, dance, theatre and other performances are well loved pastimes throughout Outer World. Even the smallest and dreariest of settlements will have someone willing to dramatically weave a story or gather some friends to put on a play for the locals. Some shows include professional performers or a magic user to provide visual effects, others are strictly amateur affairs, but even the most mundane of efforts are generally treated as a good way to pass the time.

The list below outlines few of Outer World's most popular shows. It's been presented here as a table, since that's just how we do things here.
There are a lot of reasons to roll on this table, but here are a few in case you needed them:
  • When creating a bustling settlement to see what show is being performed there for this particular adventure.
  • To find out what performance a capricious Unshaped will demand the party put on in exchange for something they need.
  • When deciding on what show is being menaced by some anti-theatrical entity, like a talking purple octopus or something like that.
Some Famous Performances (Roll or Choose) 
1-2 - Dawn's Slumber: A sorrowful play recalling the last wishes and regrets of the Dawn Dragon in her final days. Highbrow versions focus on the somber and bittersweet performance of a single actor, though a popular variant eschews tasteful melancholy in favor of crafting as impressive a dragon prop as possible.
3-4 - Four Ballads: A quartet of songs that represent each of the four regions of the Outer World, usually accompanied by someone dressed up as Von Peebles, the famed cartographer. As these are performed with regional instruments, which of the four ballads sounds the best is often influenced by where one hears them being played.
5-6 - Wumble Eveready's Numerous Situations: A condensed and curated set of tall tales involving Wumble, a chib hero whose always outsmarting and outmaneuvering a blundering bully. Thanks to its slapstick nature, this production calls for physically fit actors - even at the expense of finding ones who are particularly good at their craft.
7-8 - Prospeti's Folly: The misadventure of Prospeti, a wealthy socialite who makes a series of comically bad choices but ends up no worse for wear by the end of it. This deeply critical jab at the upper crust is adjusted based on the location of the production: if the play is being performed on the Seven Sacred Isles, Prospeti is a samurai, if it is instead being shown in Shard, they are a patrician, and so forth. The wealthy often miss or ignore the satire and find the whole thing deeply relatable.
9-10 - The Shadow Queen's Paramour: The sorrowful story of the doomed (and some say entirely fictive) romance between Queen Nephel and The First Hero, Regulus. Far and away Outer World's most popular opera, it has numerous variations, including ones where Regulus is portrayed as a gutless fool and where folk hero Jacques Skybreeze (who scholars will tell you was not contemporary with the lead character of the production) shows up to win the queen's heart instead.
11-12 - Wimbuildy Bells: This simple but physically challenging ballet utilizes worn bells in its performance. The result is visually impressive and cacophonous, leading to overwhelming displays of emotion and early departures within the audience. The original intent of the work has been lost to time, and academics have made a regular habit out of arguing exactly how interpretive the dance is supposed to be.
13-14 - Acolyte's Equilibrium: A morality play crafted by the Church of the Sacred Chain featuring a wanderer being tempted by the assumed excesses of Bright and Darkness, only to finally find peace in the balance (which is conveniently located center stage). A thoroughly miserable production that's only gotten anywhere thanks to funding and insistence from the church itself.
15-16 - The Song of Aken: The heroic tale of Princess Aken's last stand against the tyrannical Iron King, leader of the Divine Rulers. This is done in classic Akenian style, most commonly involving dramatic narration, elaborate costumes, and extensive sets. The parts of Aken and the Iron King are highly sought out by Outer World Thespians. While several colloquial versions of the play exist, they are considered to be inferior to the original High Akenian script.
17-18 - Octia's Lament: A dramatized version of Sage Octia's quest to create an extensive history of Outer World and eventual decision to shred her final work. The format of this production is rather unique, involving an actor delivering several monologues as the sage with a number of costumed extras pantomiming the events she records. As no one is quite sure as to why Octia destroyed the scroll (or what happened to her afterwards) every performance is distinct, with the actor portraying Octia adlibbing a new motivation each time.
19-20 - Donothan the Otherworlder: A series of skits featuring a hapless Otherworlder named Donothan marveling loudly at how strange normal things are and constantly checking his wrist to bemoan how he is "late for work". The character is so popular that actors portraying Donothan will often stay in character for a while after their performance and interact with the audience. Reception from actual Otherworlders has been mixed.

Saturday, 10 August 2024

Freebie Mini-Entry: Quick Re-Skins And Other Shortcuts

Just some things that popped into my head that aren't quite big enough for a full entry, but I thought were fun nonetheless.


Big Boomerangs

While most boomerangs would fall under Thrown Weapons in BREAK!!, you occasionally get the desire for a character with an especially large one to function as their primary weapon. These sorts of boomerangs, that can be swung about like a melee weapon, can be thrown for a bit of distance and dependably return, can just be treated like Lash Weapons, though the sort of combat tricks and stunts they would allow for would be different than whips and the like.

What is reason people who are proficient with Lash weapons are also good with Big Boomerangs? It's all in the wrist.


Passing the Torch

Sometimes when a character dies in an anime, video game, or other media, they'll pass on their magical power or what have you to someone else, so they can carry on in their stead. Judgements on this particular technique in writing aside, it can be useful for BREAK!! games. 

If a player character does perish and the player doesn't want to make an entirely new one, they can decide that their fallen PC becomes a little speck of light that beseeches and empowers a chosen ally, or something like that.

Upon receiving this blessing, the target gains the Aptitudes, Combat Statistics, and Calling Abilities of the new character. Their original Traits, Species and Quirk stick (or get chosen/rolled, if they lacked these)

In these cases, the target cannot be another Player Character (or Game Master Character) with ranks or potent Abilities. The best choices tend to be basic folk somehow related to the character (a long lost relative, perhaps) or follower whose existing talents can be easily replaced by their new Abilities (For example, a Custrel gaining the power of a fallen Champion)

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

BREAK!! Book Secrets

First things first, we won the Ennie for best Family Game! Thanks to everyone for all their support.


Now then, for this week's entry, I thought I might highlight a few little tidbits in the BREAK!! rulebook itself. I like to think of these as little hidden bonuses and secrets, and many people have already discovered them, but I noticed quite a few hadn't so I thought it'd be fun to reveal them the way an old video game magazine might.

You may have noticed these little colored d20's in the corner of the page. These are here in case you don't have a die on hand! Just flip to a random page to get your result. Fantastic when gaming on the go or on the fly!


There are already a fair amount of playable species in BREAK!!, but maybe you want just one more - or maybe you'd really like to play a stalwart doggo or fierce wolf - well fear not, if you go to the end of the Mundymutt entries in the adversary section...




Speaking of oddball playable characters, death in BREAK!! is pretty finite, but, if you slip past the Skelemonarch's write-up on the adversary section you might find a temporary solution in the form of some helpful GM advice...



Of course, you could also use this to let players start a Saga as a skeleman, if your game can accommodate the undead...

Anyway, that's all the tidbits for now - we'll be sure to tuck some more fun things in future supplements as well!