Saturday 12 October 2024

Discord User Adversary Collection

A little bonus update this week - Discord user Quagg (an extremely good bean whose helped us in the past with hyperlinking and the like) has been collecting their own and other's custom adversaries into one large sheet that's available for anyone to use. There are 65+ entries and more being added every day. There is even a link to a form to submit your own creations. It's a great resource for anyone running a BREAK!! game.

Check it out:

BREAK!! Homebrew Compendium

Saturday 5 October 2024

Setting: The Eaten Isle

(I asked members of our discord to vote on what part of the setting to write for in October, and the Eaten Isle won out! So enjoy a bit of history of one of Outer World's spookier locales.)

 The Eaten Isle

Adrift in the Shadowed Sea is an accursed place called the Eaten Isle. So known due to its fractured landscape - particularly an inlet sea that formerly hosted a great city and green, fertile lands among other things. It is a dire place, ruined by magic pollution that has stripped away any proper life and leaving only behind bestial husks, twisted flora, and the stubborn dead to wander its many sprawling ruins and bleak landscapes. While certainly not the subject of great ballads and old tales, the Eaten Isle and its history are often on the minds of academics and weavers of magic: it is a shameful, harrowing, and cautionary tale.

So it was

The Eaten Isle was once known as Yeso the Splendid. It was chosen to be the seat of power during the reign of the Divine Rulers in the 2nd Aeon due to its natural beauty, and eventually hosted their holy capital. Great temples and other places of power were erected throughout the island, each intertwined with the forests and lakes around it and connected to the capital via sigil roads. While the Divine Ruler's reign was harsh, Yeso was the Queen of Crystal's favorite part of the realm and thusly spared the most tyrannical aspects of their leadership. Even the Iron King seemed to relax a bit when present on the island - though all living there knew not to cross their monarch, regardless of how his expression might soften.

This peace was disrupted during the 2nd Cataclysm, when rebels from either side of the empire brought the fight to the home of the Divine Rulers themselves. There is no need to go over the various stratagems that brought the insurrection victory, as all are well versed in the stories of how the first mages used the very sigil roads themselves to assault the holy capital, or how Princess Aken lost her duel with the Iron King but finally inspired the people of the island to rise up against him. But needless to say, when this great conflict was ended, Yeso lie in ruins.

Generations passed. From the ashes of the Divine Ruler's empire rose the nations of Akenia and Calian, and those nations grew into fearsome powers themselves. Yeso remained unclaimed by either country, those remaining there happy to rebuild their homes and live quietly among past glories.

Such is the way it went for some time.

During the height of the 3rd Aeon, a conflict erupted between Akenia and Calian. It was one of many small wars the two countries waged, so countless that most of them are forgotten to time. But this one was darker and fiercer than many of the others, as it erupted in the ruins of the holy capital, far away from the soil of either participating nation. Neither the spell-knights or master fleshwarpers there felt a need too hold back so they unleashed the full extent of their power. This drawn out affair ended in a dramatic battle between the Gigaframe Paladinius and a bio-titan called Ragnarok, the two weapons managing to smash each other's spellcore in a final exchange and causing a massive explosion that blasted away all that remained of the holy capital, leaving nothing but a crater behind. 

The mana from both machines infused into the very soil and water of Yeso, and even disastrously reactivated the broken sigil roads. The result was a burst of twisted magic that managed to corrupt the entire island and every living thing on it. It's very nature became crumbling and ruined, as if it was slowly being consumed by some unseen force. It was then the Eaten Isle was born.

So it is

After the incident nothing truly lived on the Eaten Isle. Plants grow in spite of being withered and gnarled, the dead walk and even carry on a semblance of their lives before. Insects and other pests have grown to an enormous size after glutting on the poison that infects the land. The crater that once was the holy capital flooded, creating a bay so deadly that even the fiercest of creatures avoid it. The air is thick with a miasma born of arcane pollution so strong that its impossible to safely traverse the surface of the island without a rebreather.

The Eaten Isle is dreadful place, and yet...

If one braves the writhing flora and gnashing creatures of the rotting forests, they may come across the temples of old and learn a great deal about the 2nd Aeon and its glories.

If one is willing to navigate through the mocking and hungry dead, they might be able to purchase some cursed wonder at the necropolis bazaar.

If one finds a way to plunge into the depths of the sea of slime, they may claim whats left of the very weapons that spoiled the splendid isle.

The Eaten Isle is a dreadful place, but it calls to the adventurous and foolhardy. 

As long as daring souls think they can discover something in that terrible place, it will never want for new dead to join the ranks of its inhabitants. 


Saturday 28 September 2024

Author Appearences!

 In case you missed them, Co-Creator Reynaldo was recently on both a podcast and an RPG roundtable. If you are so inclined, check them out below!

Reynaldo on the podcast "Weird games & Weirder people"

Reynaldo participating in a round-table about similarly themed trpgs:


Sunday 22 September 2024

FREEBIE: Surf and Turf (Gadabovids and Neridians)


Outer World is home to a large number of intelligent species. While the main ones are covered in the BREAK!! rulebook, there are still plenty more to be found. In this entry, we’ll cover two new Species who are respectively tied to the land and sea.


Impressive folk that are robust in body and heart. The Gadabovids are well known for their proficiency for living off the land and keeping their feet planted firmly on the ground.

Physiology: Gadabovid are much taller and broader than the average human and are cattle-like in appearance. Some sport horns to go along with their impressive physique.

Typical Demeanor: Being naturally adept at harvesting from the land and being communal sorts overall, the gadabovid have a tendency towards being friendly and generous. As befitting their size, they are also often charmingly boisterous.


  • Hoarding things from potential friends in times of plenty and offering things you can’t afford to give away are equally foolish things to do.

  • The world will provide if you’re patient.

  • There is no shame in throwing your weight around when the situation calls for it.

  • Mosey when you can, chances to relax don’t come often.

  • Know when to back off: no use getting your horns stuck in a bad place.

History: Gadabovid have lived in the Blazing Garden for at least as long as the Mundymutts have, migrating between No-Folk Land and the Pride Coast. Their own history does make note of a forgotten unshaped, so it’s likely they have been on Outer World for quite some time.

While they stuck to Blazing Garden for a long time, the 4th Aeon has seen the gadabovid migrate outwards and now they can be found living on all corners of Outer World.


  • While most gadabovid tend towards settling down and cultivating the land, those among them with wanderlust are celebrated and encouraged. Heck, they may even find a new place to call home while they are out there seeing the world!

Typical Names: Gadabovid given names draw from a mysterious folklore shared among their species. Their family names usually come from their homesteads.

  • Examples: Jesse Littlehouse, Sundance Openrange, Annie Prairiefarm, Etta Stonyranch

Innate Abilities

Species Size

Among the large species, gadabovids stand between the Promethean and Gruun, not being quite as towering as the former or quite as robust as the latter.

  • You are Large.


Thanks to a certain sense of direction and just overall strong senses for this sort of thing, gadabovids are remarkably good at finding food in the wild.

  • You have an Edge on rolls made to Forage during journeys. If you are Foraging with multiple people, this Edge applies to whoever rolls. 

  • You gain an additional 2 Rations on a successful foraging roll.

Advanced Abilities

Labyrinth Intuition

Some gadabovid are able to apply the senses that guide them while looking for food to assist them while in dangerous places and dark dungeons.

  • You have an Edge on any Insight Check made During Stealthy movement while exploring Adventure Sites and can also Roll Insight Checks to notice things even during Hasty Movement


One of the more mysterious species on Outer World, the neriedians are an aquatic people who only occasionally come to the surface.

Physiology: A bit taller and more solidly built than the average human, neriedian’s are rather distinct among the folk due to their brightly colored scales, broad fins, and other fish-like features. They also have a similar facial structure to the tenebrates, something neither species has yet had the opportunity or inclination to investigate.

Demeanor: Neriedians tend towards being bubbly and curious.. They are fascinated with any new places or cultures they come across but more reserved when dealing with familiar, underwater surroundings. 


  • Ask questions while you are able, you never know when you’ll get another chance.

  • Go with the current when you can, escape it when you must.

  • Every new place is a chance to discover something amazing.

  • Venture far and wide, but always remember which direction leads to the sea.

  • Every song is worth singing at least once.

History: How long Neriedians have been living on Outer World is unknown, but most scholars agree it couldn’t have been sooner than sometime near the end of the 3rd Aeon. Most of their history seems to connect to the Sunken Isles, but they have since migrated to all parts of the ocean. The 4th Aeon has seen their species making more contact with those on the surface, perhaps due the changes wrought upon Outer World during the 3rd cataclysm.


  • Most Neriedians develop their curiosity thanks to the fleeting glimpses of the surface world they come across throughout their lives. While most settle for trinkets and daydreams, many cannot resist swimming a bit farther to see what is beyond their home.

Typical Names: Neriedian given names are generally something lovely, with family names related to the sea.

  • Examples: Tea Foam, Pearl Current, Melody Coral, Symmetry Wave

Innate Abilities

Species Size

While a bit larger than the average human, Neriedians are comparable to them in size.

  • You are Medium sized

Ocean Farer

While Neriedians are able to breathe and survive on the surface, they are most at home under the waves.

  • You are immune to suffocation caused by being immersed in water, and have an Edge on Might or Deftness Checks made where swimming is a factor.

Sea Song

It’s said that older, more eldritch underwater folk taught the Neriedians their songs when they first arrived. Their voices are enchanting and unforgettable.

  • You begin play with 1 point of Dark Allegiance and the Melodious Voice Gift.

  • You have an Edge on rolls during the Socializing downtime action as long as you are able (and willing) to sing in the process.

Maturative Abilities 

Siren Song

Some Neriedians hone their songs to the point that they go from unforgettable to undeniable.

  • You may activate this ability by breaking into song. Those nearby (within 1 Area of you in most battlefields) must engage in a Contest with your Aura versus their Grit. Those who fail must stop whatever they are doing and just listen to you sing. This effect continues unless they are attacked, something happens that would obviously put them or their allies in immediate danger, or until you stop (or are forced to stop) singing.

  • In combat or other perilous situations, this song takes your entire turn to do. If you forgo any other actions, you may keep this going into your next turn without penalty, but it is draining to do so for too long - you lose a Heart with each subsequent turn after that, and cannot continue if you are at 0 or lower Hearts.

  • Those who succeed in the initial contest are immune to this Ability for 24 hours. Anyone you have a social bond with is also immune to this Ability.

Ocean Dweller Origins

While a handful of Neriedians have migrated to the surface world and would use those Homelands and Histories, those who have spent their life in the sea would instead choose one of the below. 

  • You may choose between these origins or a standard ones during character creation.

  • Your available bonus language may be chosen per the homeland included in your History.

Undersea History (Roll or Choose)

(1-7) Shadow Sea Recluse

You drifted in the darkest of the ocean realms in a lonesome existence. Rejecting or denied the protection of the Sea Witches, you managed as best you could before setting out on a journey that might change your fate.

  • Homeland: Wistful Dark

  • Purviews:

    • Finding comfort in the darkness

    • Swimming against the current

    • Spotting the wicked and duplicitous 

  • Bonus Gear (Pick 2)

    • Arc Weapon (Ritual Trident) 

    • Light Armor (Witchguard Shell Mail)

    • Lumi-Slime Lantern (Luminescent Orb)

    • Rations (x10) (Sliced Midnight Seaweed)

(8-14) Ruin Dweller

Like many of those who call the Shining Sea home, you lived amongst the submerged ruins of the Sunken Isles. The forgotten structures there provide shelter, chances to meet other strange forms of life, and the occasional treasure from a lost time.

  • Homeland: Twilight Meridian

  • Purviews

    • Sifting through trash to find the treasures hidden within

    • Making unfamiliar spaces homey

    • Keeping on good terms with your neighbors

  • Bonus Gear (Pick 2)

    • Scanner (Beepy-Boopy Thing you found)

    • Treats (x10)  (Sealed pack of CaloriePals)

    • Standard Shield (Pincher Shell Shield)

    • Luxury Item (Eating utensil mistakenly identified as a personal grooming item) 

(15-20) Coral Farmer

Living in the reefs of the brightfoam ocean taught you to accept the highs and lows of life. The coral always provided and the community was great, and made the occasional marine megafauna rampage seem like just another thing to weather through.

  • Homeland: Blazing Garden

  • Purviews

    • Remaining jubilant in the face of hardship

    • Getting your fair share

    • Recognizing when danger is afoot

  • Bonus Gear (Pick 2)

    • Long Grabber (Coral Picker)

    • Quick Weapon (Quill Sword)

    • Traveler’s Bag (Gulper fish pack)

    • Trade Goods (Clamfruit bushel)

Saturday 7 September 2024

Setting: The Helical Archive

Scholars and scribes have quite a bit to do in Outer World. Settlements need someone around to decipher some manner of old documentation no one has time for anymore, ruins from several eras lie about with old history to record, and there is always very important information about some obstacle or threat that needs to be relayed to the folks about to confront it. Most probably wouldn't say knowledge is power, but would readily agree that it is one of the larger keys to it.

And just as witches form covens and knights join orders for safety, sharing of resources, and the advancement of their ideals, those who feel that Outer World would benefit from the dissemination of knowledge also band into groups to further their cause. While a variety of such scholarly organizations exist, no one would question that the most famous among them is the Helical Archive, a group based in the island of Stahlfeld and named for the odd semi-spiral building that they use as their headquarters. Originally founded to assist Junkers in the area in identifying and repairing old technology, the Archive has grown considerably from these humble roots, now boasting locations all throughout Outer World and an organizational account with the Paw Post.

The Helical Archive enjoys a mostly loose knit hierarchy. It's director is a bio-mechanoid named Plum, whose driving goal is to rediscover the methods of creating more of her species. That said, as a former adventurer, she's innately curious and more than willing to support the variety of ongoing studies that the Archive has open. From there, each branch has its own sub-director who balances the books (figuratively - though, given how cluttered many of these offices are, sometimes literally as well) and keeps track of the clerks and other employees that work under them. Researchers acting as field agents are the members of the archive that adventurers will likely be most familiar with. In fact, many of them join adventuring parties themselves!

While generally a benevolent organization, most of the Helical Archives activities require extensive funding. This is usually gained via partnerships with local governments, wealthy patrons, and small fees charged for individual services. While considered essential to many places, this has made the archive unpopular in other spots, like the cities of Magia and Portia (due to their respective universities seeing the Helical Archive as competition) or smaller groups of scholars (who think the archive's broad methods are foolish, glory-seeking, money-grubbing, or some combination of the three). 

Director Plum takes this animosity in stride, as she knows most of them will come running to the Helical Archive the minute something totally unexpected comes up anyway.

Friday 30 August 2024

BREAK!! x Animon Story


In case you missed it, BREAK!! will be having a crossover with Animon Story, a tabletop rpg inspired by various things in the monster buddy genre. It's for their new Legend's Wake kickstarter - read more about it here! We're big fans of the original Animon Story release, so this is a very exciting team up for us.

I don't want to give too much away just yet, but this will include some BREAK!! style mechanics as well as something that ties in with Outer World itself. It'll be great!

Friday 23 August 2024

Setting/Freebie: Famed Performances

Song, dance, theatre and other performances are well loved pastimes throughout Outer World. Even the smallest and dreariest of settlements will have someone willing to dramatically weave a story or gather some friends to put on a play for the locals. Some shows include professional performers or a magic user to provide visual effects, others are strictly amateur affairs, but even the most mundane of efforts are generally treated as a good way to pass the time.

The list below outlines few of Outer World's most popular shows. It's been presented here as a table, since that's just how we do things here.
There are a lot of reasons to roll on this table, but here are a few in case you needed them:
  • When creating a bustling settlement to see what show is being performed there for this particular adventure.
  • To find out what performance a capricious Unshaped will demand the party put on in exchange for something they need.
  • When deciding on what show is being menaced by some anti-theatrical entity, like a talking purple octopus or something like that.
Some Famous Performances (Roll or Choose) 
1-2 - Dawn's Slumber: A sorrowful play recalling the last wishes and regrets of the Dawn Dragon in her final days. Highbrow versions focus on the somber and bittersweet performance of a single actor, though a popular variant eschews tasteful melancholy in favor of crafting as impressive a dragon prop as possible.
3-4 - Four Ballads: A quartet of songs that represent each of the four regions of the Outer World, usually accompanied by someone dressed up as Von Peebles, the famed cartographer. As these are performed with regional instruments, which of the four ballads sounds the best is often influenced by where one hears them being played.
5-6 - Wumble Eveready's Numerous Situations: A condensed and curated set of tall tales involving Wumble, a chib hero whose always outsmarting and outmaneuvering a blundering bully. Thanks to its slapstick nature, this production calls for physically fit actors - even at the expense of finding ones who are particularly good at their craft.
7-8 - Prospeti's Folly: The misadventure of Prospeti, a wealthy socialite who makes a series of comically bad choices but ends up no worse for wear by the end of it. This deeply critical jab at the upper crust is adjusted based on the location of the production: if the play is being performed on the Seven Sacred Isles, Prospeti is a samurai, if it is instead being shown in Shard, they are a patrician, and so forth. The wealthy often miss or ignore the satire and find the whole thing deeply relatable.
9-10 - The Shadow Queen's Paramour: The sorrowful story of the doomed (and some say entirely fictive) romance between Queen Nephel and The First Hero, Regulus. Far and away Outer World's most popular opera, it has numerous variations, including ones where Regulus is portrayed as a gutless fool and where folk hero Jacques Skybreeze (who scholars will tell you was not contemporary with the lead character of the production) shows up to win the queen's heart instead.
11-12 - Wimbuildy Bells: This simple but physically challenging ballet utilizes worn bells in its performance. The result is visually impressive and cacophonous, leading to overwhelming displays of emotion and early departures within the audience. The original intent of the work has been lost to time, and academics have made a regular habit out of arguing exactly how interpretive the dance is supposed to be.
13-14 - Acolyte's Equilibrium: A morality play crafted by the Church of the Sacred Chain featuring a wanderer being tempted by the assumed excesses of Bright and Darkness, only to finally find peace in the balance (which is conveniently located center stage). A thoroughly miserable production that's only gotten anywhere thanks to funding and insistence from the church itself.
15-16 - The Song of Aken: The heroic tale of Princess Aken's last stand against the tyrannical Iron King, leader of the Divine Rulers. This is done in classic Akenian style, most commonly involving dramatic narration, elaborate costumes, and extensive sets. The parts of Aken and the Iron King are highly sought out by Outer World Thespians. While several colloquial versions of the play exist, they are considered to be inferior to the original High Akenian script.
17-18 - Octia's Lament: A dramatized version of Sage Octia's quest to create an extensive history of Outer World and eventual decision to shred her final work. The format of this production is rather unique, involving an actor delivering several monologues as the sage with a number of costumed extras pantomiming the events she records. As no one is quite sure as to why Octia destroyed the scroll (or what happened to her afterwards) every performance is distinct, with the actor portraying Octia adlibbing a new motivation each time.
19-20 - Donothan the Otherworlder: A series of skits featuring a hapless Otherworlder named Donothan marveling loudly at how strange normal things are and constantly checking his wrist to bemoan how he is "late for work". The character is so popular that actors portraying Donothan will often stay in character for a while after their performance and interact with the audience. Reception from actual Otherworlders has been mixed.

Saturday 10 August 2024

Freebie Mini-Entry: Quick Re-Skins And Other Shortcuts

Just some things that popped into my head that aren't quite big enough for a full entry, but I thought were fun nonetheless.


Big Boomerangs

While most boomerangs would fall under Thrown Weapons in BREAK!!, you occasionally get the desire for a character with an especially large one to function as their primary weapon. These sorts of boomerangs, that can be swung about like a melee weapon, can be thrown for a bit of distance and dependably return, can just be treated like Lash Weapons, though the sort of combat tricks and stunts they would allow for would be different than whips and the like.

What is reason people who are proficient with Lash weapons are also good with Big Boomerangs? It's all in the wrist.


Passing the Torch

Sometimes when a character dies in an anime, video game, or other media, they'll pass on their magical power or what have you to someone else, so they can carry on in their stead. Judgements on this particular technique in writing aside, it can be useful for BREAK!! games. 

If a player character does perish and the player doesn't want to make an entirely new one, they can decide that their fallen PC becomes a little speck of light that beseeches and empowers a chosen ally, or something like that.

Upon receiving this blessing, the target gains the Aptitudes, Combat Statistics, and Calling Abilities of the new character. Their original Traits, Species and Quirk stick (or get chosen/rolled, if they lacked these)

In these cases, the target cannot be another Player Character (or Game Master Character) with ranks or potent Abilities. The best choices tend to be basic folk somehow related to the character (a long lost relative, perhaps) or follower whose existing talents can be easily replaced by their new Abilities (For example, a Custrel gaining the power of a fallen Champion)

Wednesday 7 August 2024

BREAK!! Book Secrets

First things first, we won the Ennie for best Family Game! Thanks to everyone for all their support.

May be an image of 2 people and text that says 'ဆက်မှေ ගදස ENNIES Tabletop TabletopRPGAwards RPG Awards WINNER 2024 2024'


Now then, for this week's entry, I thought I might highlight a few little tidbits in the BREAK!! rulebook itself. I like to think of these as little hidden bonuses and secrets, and many people have already discovered them, but I noticed quite a few hadn't so I thought it'd be fun to reveal them the way an old video game magazine might.

You may have noticed these little colored d20's in the corner of the page. These are here in case you don't have a die on hand! Just flip to a random page to get your result. Fantastic when gaming on the go or on the fly!


There are already a fair amount of playable species in BREAK!!, but maybe you want just one more - or maybe you'd really like to play a stalwart doggo or fierce wolf - well fear not, if you go to the end of the Mundymutt entries in the adversary section...




Speaking of oddball playable characters, death in BREAK!! is pretty finite, but, if you slip past the Skelemonarch's write-up on the adversary section you might find a temporary solution in the form of some helpful GM advice...



Of course, you could also use this to let players start a Saga as a skeleman, if your game can accommodate the undead...

Anyway, that's all the tidbits for now - we'll be sure to tuck some more fun things in future supplements as well!