Saturday 27 July 2024

Setting: The Paw Post

 “Through the ever-night and burning skies, over sea both shining and shadow, even under rock and mountain, nothing shall stay the sojourn of the Paw Post Courier.”

So goes the motto of one of Outer Worlds most beloved institutions, the Paw Post. While the finer details of the organization itself are a mystery to many, the broad strokes are well known: pay a fee at any Paw Post station and some strange animal or eccentric individual will deliver whatever you handed over to its intended recipient. It is dependable and routine enough that many folk take it for granted. While it's a shame the particulars of the operation aren’t as widely appreciated as one might hope, many working at the Post feel this is exactly as it should be.

The driving force behind the creation of this venerable service came from the Ohku, a people created by the Unshaped in the time they held sway over reality. The Ohku were gifted with the ability to shift between various forms resembling both beast and folk, a talent they retain to this day. Being a largely peaceful sort, they felt little need to retaliate when their cruel progenitors were brought into reality, instead deciding to live in this new, permanent world and help protect it.

The Paw Post was born from the Ohku’s belief in cultivating the “Prosperity of Life”. Many among them felt that facilitating communication between the folk was a worthy part of this endeavor and took to delivering messages between settlements. Their ability to transform and find their way through even unfamiliar terrain made them natural couriers. Soon, other ohku joined them to help make journeys safer and less arduous by passing missives between multiple messengers.

These efforts grew more complex over time, eventually going from a handful of Ohku delivering spoken messages across settlements to the formation of the Paw Post folk would recognize today. Ohku remain core members of the organization, but they also employ numerous folk as clerks, administrators, and local couriers. They even began to deliver parcels as their scope and pool of resources expanded.

The Paw Post now has stations all over Outer World. The collaborative nature of the post in its current incarnation would no doubt please its founders, as would its status as a pillar of certainty in the rather fractured 4th Aeon. No matter what history brings, the inhabitants of Outer World can depend on one thing:

At least the mail will arrive on time.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Ennies Update and Freebie: Varubali, the Wicked Guardian (Adversary)

BREAK!! has been nominated for 2 Awards

First things first! If you would like to vote for BREAK!! for an Ennie award, the links to our nominated categories are below:

1. Best Family Game:

2. Best Layout & Design:

Thank you for your support! Now onto the freebie....


It's been a busy week so I've cleaned up one of the adversaries I made for this stream from long ago!

He's based of a very frightening (well, for 10 year old me) boss from Breath of Fire II. I thought it would be fun for people to have an example of a Bright Aligned monster that was frightening and mean. Enjoy!



The Wicked Guardian


  • A divine beast created to oversee the eternal suffering of a disgraced god, Varubali guards a temple located on a remote island in the Galvanus Archipelago. Cruel to the extreme, he refuses to allow anyone to attend to his long suffering charge - even though their punishment has spanned aeons at this point.

  • Varubali is an armored, crawling creature with sword-like claws and a bladed tail. His physical presence and aura are so intense that it strikes unnatural fear in those less powerful than him.

Menace Level

  • Mega-Boss


  • 8


  • Celestial Order, Divine Beast


  • Massive


  • 3 (Bright Aligned)

Home Region/Habitat

  • The Temple of the Poisoned God, located on a small Island close to the City of Portia.

Aptitudes (Trait: Deadly, Overwhelming, Graceless (+2 Might, +2 Aura, -3 Deftness)

Primary Aptitudes: Might, Grit, Aura

Secondary Aptitudes: Deftness, Insight

  • Might [15]

  • Deftness [7]

  • Grit [11]

  • Insight [10]

  • Aura [13]

Combat Values (As a Mega-Boss Varubali has Atk Value equal to his Rank)

  • Hearts [6]

  • Attack [+8]

  • Speed [Normal]

  • Defense Rating [14]


Divine Behemoth (Species, Advanced)

Large even for a Divine Beast, Varubali towers over even the largest of folk and most other monsters. He relishes this advantage.

  • Varubali is Massive (Per Page 434 of the BREAK!! Rulebook)

    • Sweep Attack: Bladed Tail strikes as an Arc Weapon.

    • Crush Attack: Claws strike as a Mighty Weapon.

  • Varubali’s armored body has a Natural Defense of 16 like Heavy Amor (This is reduced to 14 due to massive size) and grants them an additional Heart.

Fearsome Aura (Standard, Magic, Light)

Perceiving Varubali and hearing his echoing voice fills the heart with dread and a feeling that it is against the will of the divine to oppose him.

  • Anyone Encountering Varubali incurs an a Contest between his Aura against their Grit, if the Target Fails, they are inflicted with the Terrified status Ailment

  • This Ability does not work against individuals who are equal to Varubali’s Rank or higher.

Retributive Claw (Legendary)

To strike Varubali is to defy his divinely ordained task, and prompts him to swift, furious retribution.

  • Varubali may attack any individuals who successfully strikes him in melee. This may be a Sweep or a Strike, per his Massive Size.

  • These Attacks are in addition to any actions Varubali takes in the round.

Breath of Frost and Flame (Advanced, Magic, Light)

Gifted access to a summer’s gale and a winter’s wind by his divine creator, Varubali can call forth either in a torrent of fire or ice that can decimate those who dare oppose him.

  • Varubali may spew a breath weapon with an Attack Roll up to two Areas away. This Attack hits the entire Area and does 2 Hearts of Damage to anyone successfully hit.

  • This Breath Weapon may do Flame or Frost damage as Varubali wishes.

  • Once used, Varubali cannot use this Ability for 2 more Turns.

Lightning Blast (Advanced, Magic, Light)

When truly pressed, the divine behemoth may draw from the power of his long banished creator to strike down a foe with thunderous fury.

  • Varubali may target an individual up to 3 Areas away with a burst of holy lightning. This requires a successful Attack Roll and does 3 Hearts of Damage on a hit. 

  • This Ability may only be used once a fight.

Communication Methods

  • Varubali can communicate and comprehend Low Speech and Bright Speech, but only greatly prefers the latter.


  • Varubali is a vicious combatant. If anyone afflicted with the Terrified ailment by his aura doesn’t run, he’ll try to pick them off first. He will open battles with his breath weapon when possible, hoping to weaken the enemy as a group and then draw them in to wear them down with his retributive strikes. If he can identify a particularly powerful opponent (or one that annoys him) he’ll target them with his lightning attack in hopes of finishing them off quickly.


Frost-Flame Amethyst

A purplish jewel can be removed from Varubali’s skull by someone with the proper Ability to do so. It switches from being almost too hot or too cold to touch, and it feels like some great energy swirls within it. It may be used as a crafting additive, bestowing the following Ability upon a weapon it’s forged into.

  • Attack: The wielder of this weapon may choose to do Frost or Flame damage with an attack. This choice is made before the attack itself is made.

1 Slot, 50 Coins


  • Indicators - Bodies that have been charred or frozen solid, a low rumbling sound, two glowing eyes with a gem between in the distance.

  • Roleplaying Notes - Varubali revels in his duty and insists upon it in spite of the fact that the Divine Ruler who created him for the task is long gone. Some theorize he simply cannot envision any other life for himself due to his nature as a Divine Beast, but Varubali himself would insist that was nonsense. For all his wickedness, Varubali will not attack anyone not attempting to enter the Temple of the Poisoned God - in fact, he’ll engage in polite conversation with them if they don’t retreat from his presence. Similarly, he has no interest in pursuing those that flee him, lest they draw him away from his task.

  • Customization  - Varubali could be used to represent a type of temple guardian rather than a singular entity. Other versions may do variant types of damage, inflict Status AIlments with their breath weapon, or have some other sort of divine gift.

Random Encounter Reaction

  • Varubali is a singular entity, and should not be encountered randomly.

Variants and Related Entries

  • Varubali could be given an ability that gave him Synthetic qualities rather than Divine/Infernal ones, and used to represent a sort of automated war machine.

The Temple of the Poisoned God

A gloomy structure surrounded by mournful statues wrapped with overgrown vegetation, this shrine’s single entrance is protected by Varubali. Within is a surprisingly labyrinthine structure with an immortal who suffers in eternal agony thanks to the curse of a long banished Divine Ruler. It is said that this god can grant one access to one to the vault of treasures dating back to the 2nd Aeon, but to access that would not only mean defeating Varubali, but also finding some way to lift the curse…