
Tuesday 27 May 2014

Sword Saga Character Creation Bits and Bobs - Species

All characters begin with one of their Species starting traits. Advanced Species Traits may be taken later in lieu of an elective class ability and tend to represent more powerful, inhuman abilities.

After the Dreaming was ended and the The People were driven away, the world was wordlessly handed to the youthful race of mortals. Despite their missteps and the cruel nature of the world, humanity manages to rise again and again. Whether they will ever again rise to their peak is a question best left to time.

Starting Traits
Prodigy -  Humans have a tendency to define themselves through their craft, and this one is no different. This character may pick a bonus elective or boon from their Calling’s list instead of a traditional species trait.

Exemplar - Some make it by through natural talent, rather than expertise. This human begins with an additional +1 bonus to an aptitude not covered by their character trait.

Advanced Trait
Obstinate - Free will is an important concept to many humans and some hold to it even in the face of inevitability. If the character ever fails their save against a supernatural force or ability that would dominate or otherwise coerce them to act against their own accord (even if said ability or force usually denies its target a save) they instead lose their action so they can angrily cancel the effect and (usually) shout at the originator of it.

Tenacious as they are diminutive, the Chib’s origins are rooted in blasphemous sorcery. Created by wizards seeking substitutes for children as well as personal amusement, they were abandoned as soon as they demonstrated even the slightest desire for independence. Countless generations later, the Chib have grown hard and resourceful - a natural result when the world sees you as a nuisance at best and “bite-sized” at worst.

Starting Traits -  All chib are small. They incur a -1 to their Might Aptitude and weapons requiring both hands as well as armor heavier than Bastion class are too large and cumbersome for them. They do gain a +1 to their Deftness Aptitude and Defense Rating in exchange.

Better Part of Valor - When this chib is running for their life (or at least thinks they are) they are considered to have a speed value one step higher than they normally do even if weighed down by armor or other forms of encumbrance. The image of a chib thief dashing away with their arms overloaded by treasure was not born from comedic value alone.

Easily Overlooked - Small and innocuous, this chib is easy to miss. Unless they are making a conscious effort to be seen, then this character is always considered hidden, requiring a successful insight check to notice.

Advanced Trait
Always bet on the Little One - While it seems like the world is out to get the wee folk, fortune often favors the underdog. Once a session, this Chib can be assisted by a divine sort of luck during a contest. This adds a +5 bonus to their total roll.

When the great Sun-Machine was sealed away in the northern lands, many humans were not able to escape to the shelter of the Star Shards. Left to fend for themselves in the Wistful Dark, the Tenebrate exhibit an exaggerated version of human morality - kind, selfless compassion and cold, bitter anger are both common among the Shadow People.

Starting Traits - Tenebrate have an innate resistance to the corrupting effect of the Shadowed Lands and do not have to suffer any of the negative effects that usually plague unprotected travelers in that place.

Shadow Sight - Those born in the shadows are often most comfortable in them. This character’s eyes are opaque and an odd color (usually greyish or light purple). These allow them to see in total darkness without penalty, but are a bit sensitive to light. Bright light (equivalent to daylight or greater) causes them to have a -1 penalty on all rolls at least partially dependent on sight.

Dark Gift - While many tenebrate struggle with their natural connection to darkness, there are those that embrace it without hesitation. This character begins play with a single minor corruption, rolled on the table in the settings section.

Advanced Trait
Eventide Champion - A balanced soul allows this character to resist both their inborn nature and it’s opposite. A Tenebrate with a Twilight Allegiance may select this ability, and gains resistance to hostile light and dark based attacks.

Lycanthropes, Skinwalkers - the Obake are known by many names. Originally a servitor race of messengers and diplomats for The People, the shifters were left to their own devices when their masters fled the physical world. They have flourished in the post cataclysmic landscape, easily walking between the realms of men and beasts thanks to their innate talents.

Starting Traits - All Obake begin play with an animal form, through which one is entirely up to them. The below is true regardless of the form selected.
  • Transformation requires a single combat round.
  • Tasks that require humanoid hands and digits become impossible without some sort of creative thinking. Speaking anything but the language of their animal type is also impossible.
  • Armor that is Skirmisher or lighter and any items worn or held that are not heavy (or numerous enough to overburden the obake) become part of the transformation, appearing as small marks or discoloration on the body of the character’s animal form.
  • Anything heavier or more numerous than the above simply falls to the ground where the Obake had been standing.
  • In either form, an Obake has several consistent traits that belie their true nature. This can be a pair of obviously intelligent eyes, animal ears, a tail, beak like nose or anything else the player can come up with.
  • If an Obake is ever collared by iron or silver in its animal form, than they are trapped in that shape and must obey whoever bonded them in till said collar is removed.

Animal Form -
  • Fowl: A winged, feathered creature capable of flight, around the size of a crow or raven. Their flying speed is equal to the PC’s normal land speed. They maneuver well, but hovering is impossible. Fowl are diminutive and quick, gaining a defense of 13 while moving.
  • Ungulate:A larger, long legged quadruped that can act as a man-sized or smaller creature’s mount. Their land-speed is equal to that of a war-mount’s, their natural defense increases to 12 and they attack as if wielding a Standard weapon.
  • Carnivora: A quick, four legged creature, about the size of a wolf. Their speed increases one step and they have a bite and/or claw attack that allows them to fight as if they were wielding a Standard weapon.
  • Rodentia: A scurrying, furry little creature, no bigger than a house cat. They can move as quickly as the character’s normal form and have an Edge when climbing and hiding. Unlike most of the other animal forms, they are capable of limited fine manipulation within reason (and GM discretion)
  • Pisces: A small aquatic creature. They are able to breathe underwater and swim at a speed equal to half the character’s normal land speed.

Advanced Trait - Obake who opt to have a “Great Beast” form gain it in addition to their normal animal form. Characters may only select a great beast form that is compatible with their normal animal form, as indicated with parentheses. Said transformations are identical to their previous ones save where noted below.

Great Beast Form -

  • Regius (Fowl, Carnivora, Pisces and Ungulate): This form combines the traits of the Obake’s animal and human forms, gaining the strengths of both. Appearance varies, but always results in an obviously unnatural hybrid or tauric style creature. This form gains the special abilities of the animal form without losing speech, use of ones hands or absorbing/dropping equipment. Fowl Regius that are overloaded or wearing something heavier than skirmisher armor are unable to fly.
  • Dominus (Ungulate, Carnivora, Rodentia):  This form gains the size, carrying capacity and speed of a Pack Beast, as well as some form of natural armor (Defense of 16). They attack as if wielding a great weapon, making them a rather fearsome enemy on the battlefield.
  • Multis (Rodentia, Pisces, Fowl) : This Obake actually changes into a swarm of creatures identical to their standard animal form, one for each heart the character has. They are essentially of a single mind and may act in unison or separately. If one of the creatures is struck or wounded, they vanish instantly and the character loses a heart as normal. If all of the creatures are dispatched, the last one to remain reverts to the Obake’s human form and they must make an injury roll as normal.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Playtest Draft; The Battle/Murder Princess Version 1

The third and final Calling included in the Sword Saga play test is the Battle Princess. I wanted this sort of character to be the type that really benefits when one puts a lot of extra thought into what their character is thinking and feeling. That sort of thing is always its own sort of fun, but it is nice for it to have a mechanical effect of sorts too.

I am really happy with how this turned out - but if you aren't, I really want to know so I can address any concerns. I think this archetype is one of the things that will really help individualize Break!!, and I want it to to be the best it can be for that reason.

The Class Primer

The Battle Princess
Weapons: Heart’s Blade only (See below)
Armor: All

Base Combat Stats


Aptitude Progression

Princess Origin

Starting Gear
Abandoned (Murder)
You were left to a cruel fate of sorts by your caretakers, and managed to survive in spite of it all. This early betrayal taught you that relying on others was not an option.
Hiding in a crowd, Staring down a would be attacker, finding a way to survive no matter what.
Skirmisher Armor, Animal Furs (Cold Weather Cloak) and a Precious Keepsake
Because I must (Battle)
The world is a cruel, dark place and it's become obvious that something needs to be done. You've volunteered for this great responsibility and it drives you forward and away from the comforts of home.
Shouting proclamations above the clamor, unerring poise, Deducing the schemes and tactics of an enemy.
Paragon Armor, Star-Gem and Standard shield
Vengeful Oath (Murder)
A particularly scarring event inspired you with a desire for violent retribution. The subject of your Oath may be a single person, but it is more likely a vendetta against a group of individuals or even a broad concept of philosophy .
Tracking a particular target, brow beating and strong arming, general knowledge of what they hate
Bastion Armor, Grappling hook, lock picking toolkit
A Shining Promise (Battle)
You fight in the hopes that one day, no one will have to. While you aren't naive enough to believe that the problems of the world will be gone in your lifetime, but you hope your actions will be enough to help turn the tide.
Encouraging others, Athletics that benefit from boundless energy, noticing something that helps a beloved friend.
Bastion Armor, War-Mount and a banner or flag of your choosing.
Servant of Darkness (Murder)
You were drafted into the dark machinations of some cult, warlord or other villainous entity. Your powers arose to serve them, but your will is still your own. Have you abandoned that cause? Perhaps your loyalty now lies with your ambitions alone.
Ominous speeches, pursuit of a fleeing enemy, knowledge of the dark powers
Paragon Armor (Spiked), Standard Shield, Shadow Stone
Distant Echoes (Battle)
You've seen it in your dreams; glittering cities with beautiful castles shining brilliantly in the sun. There was a brighter world before this one, one you were important in during a past life. Perhaps your struggles can help bring back the glory of this lost age? Or will you find that things were not golden, but merely gilded?
Knowledge of the past and it’s legends, etiquette that transcends culture, some sort of craft (such as painting, calligraphy or song.)
An old story book (Journeyman Tome on Legends and Lore), Bastion Armor and a standard shield.
Pay Evil unto Evil (Murder)
Your whole life has been spent idly watching the wicked and undeserving take with impunity. You've developed a deep, unyielding hatred of these loathsome parasites and now you wander the land in hopes to unleash your wrath on as many of them as possible.
Understanding twisted minds, Subtle intimidation and stalking about unnoticed, poetic torture
Small Companion animal (avian), Paragon Armor, and torture implements
Whisked Away (Battle)
You really thought you had been dreaming, but it turns out you’re not. You've never been anything special; an ordinary kid (or kid at heart) that sort of floated through life. One day you ended up in a strange world with the ability to summon a deadly weapon from out of no where, and you’re just not certain what to make of this.

Note: Characters with this origin are always Human
Knowledge of various fictional worlds that line up a bit with the place you are now, various anachronistic skills.

You begin the game with a comprehension of 1, thanks to coming from a place where high technology is far more common.
A still functioning Smartphone (Connects the player to their friends and family back home), A cell phone charm that looks oddly similar to an important figure or holy symbol, and an armored school uniform (Skirmisher Armor)

Princess Type - The Battle Princess is defined by what the wish to protect. While they are not always noble, their powers are drawn from whatever positive feelings they have for the people and things that are closest to them.

Contrastingly, the Murder Princess exists to destroy what they hate most. They are naturally isolated due to what they are. Even among friends, the Murder Princess stands alone and it is this loneliness that fuels their strength.

The character’s initial princess type is decided by their origin. This may change later thanks to their allegiance; If a Battle Princess gains abilities that switches them to a  Dark Allegiance, then they will become a Murder Princess, and vice-versa. If a Princess does not swing strongly to one side or the other, they will likely change multiple times in their adventuring career!

A Princess with a Twilight Allegiance will default back to their origin’s type.

It is important to note that Battle Princesses are not always good, nor Murder Princesses always evil. Like Light and Darkness, both can represent noble and ignoble causes - even if they lean towards certain tendencies.

Innate Class Abilities and Boons

Heart’s Blade - Both Battle and Murder Princesses are able to call forth weapons forged from their soul. They begin with the ability to summon both standard weapons and thrown missile ones. At rank three, an additional form may be selected from any of the normal weapon types. At 5th and again at 7th rank, one more form may be selected from any weapon type including combo ones.

Every form of the Heart’s Blade has a consistent design or motif, decided at character creation. It is always considered an Artefact for purposes of hitting monsters, doing damage or defending (in the case of shields). It takes a single round to create, and any missile weapons appear with 1d6 pieces of ammunition included.

The character may summon a new Heart’s Blade at any time, and can have two active at once. Summoning another Heart’s Blade after that will cause one of the others to vanish.

Shield of Love (Battle Princess only) - The character may bestow an ally within their sight a bonus heart that lasts for a single combat encounter. This is granted at will and can be done in addition to any other actions the player wishes to take in a round. These are generally the last heart to be lost, and the Princess can sense when it is.

The Princess may grant an additional heart per combat at rank 4 and again at rank 8. These may be individually or all at once, but they must all go to different recipients.

Sublime Hatred (Murder Princess only) - The Princess’ loathing of certain sorts of individuals is so great that it’s a weapon in it’s own right. At first rank, the player may name a sort of opponent that the Murder Princess especially despises; they receive a +2 bonus on all attack rolls against such foes. At rank five, they may either intensify this hatred (increasing this bonus to +4) or choose a second target to receive a +2 bonus against.

Targets can be any creature that exhibits a particular behavior or a  specific sort of foe.

Examples of the first type include;

  • Someone who answers questions with another question.
  • Someone who arrogantly laughs at other people’s suffering.
  • Someone who talks down to me.

Examples of the second type include;

  • A specific genus of monster (Giants, Undead, Slimes, Prometheans, Humans)
  • A particular group of people (The Holy Chain Knights, Wizards who use Blight Magic)

In rare circumstances, the Murder Princess may relax their hatred or re-prioritize it. If this is the case, they lose their bonus and may re-apply it to a new sort at some point in the future. There should be good, in-game reasons for both these changes, and they are naturally subject to GM approval, but there is no need to be too strict.

Soul Burst - The source of a Princess’ power is their mortal soul, which is a naturally tumultuous thing. Times of intense emotion can bring forth dangerous power to be used to protect allies or smite a hated foe. The events that bring about such a reaction are not set in stone, but common examples include:

  • When someone important or loved by the Princess is seriously injured or killed before their eyes, with their killer still within (relative) reach
  • When a someone impedes the Princess during an endeavor the Princess is extremely emotionally invested in
  • An act of extreme betrayal by someone that the Princess trusted fully
  • Hearing a selfless wish from someone who is in desperate need or dying

The player may activate this ability when such an event occurs. This is usually accompanied by an appropriate (for the character, at least) exclamation, such as an angry shout, earnest tears, or somber look of grim determination. The Princess is then immediately granted the following bonuses, +2 to attack and aptitude rolls, a bonus heart, and an additional boon from the Advanced list. This may be selected by the Game Master or rolled randomly (re-rolling any repeat results) depending on the situation. Given the nature of these abilities, it may temporarily change the character’s Princess type for the duration of the Burst. All effects end when the catalyst event is dealt with (Such as the death of the killer in the first example), becomes irreconcilable (if it becomes impossible to complete the task in the second) or if more than an hour passes.

There are two important limitations to this power; It may only be used once per attained rank. While it may be activated again after a new rank is achieved, these uses do not stack. More immediately, the Princess must make a wound roll as soon as the effect has ended. The die used and the effect rendered is cumulitive with any existing injuries inflicted on the character.

Elective Abilities and Boons

  1. Crystal Stigmata (Boon, Light) - A gemstone featuring the character’s favorite color appears on the back of their hand. This strange stone may glow with light equivalent to a torch’s at it’s owners behest. The Princess may also heal a single injury suffered by another by taking it upon themselves with a touch.
  2. Triumph Cantare (Boon, Light) - The Princess’ words and voice have a powerful, almost supernatural quality. The character may select two of the below options when taking this boon. All of these may be done once a session; even kind words lose their meaning when used too often!
  • Never give up! - The character may speak or shout a few words of encouragement to an ally and grant them an edge on their next save. This may be done at any time (even right before a save)
  • Is this really what’s in your heart!? - The Princess rebukes or implores the target hoping to get them to reconsider a current action or belief. If the subject can comprehend their message, they must engage in a contest pitting the character’s aura and their grit. If the Princess wins, the target must argue back occupying their actions and maybe even revealing useful information to the players. This continues as long as the Princess concentrates solely on their discourse and nothing else (such as an attack against the target or some catastrophic occurrence) interrupts them.
  • We’ll do this together! - The Princess is an expert at coordinating combination stunts, granting everyone involved a +2 bonus on their required roll.
  • In the name of the... -  Style and panache can be as important as any strategy. The Princess may take an action to make a daring speech and declare a particular foe as their next target. Doing so means that their next successful hit against that opponent will result in a critical hit.

  1. Niteo Machina (Boon, Light) - Even a soul meant for battle needs something to during peace. This character is able to summon helpful tools and devices as well as weapons with their Heart’s Blade ability. The Princess may create any simple tool (such as a grappling hook, or lock picks) that they are familiar with. After rank 5, simple techno relics and gadgets known to the character may also be chosen, which have the added bonus of not requiring fuel or other power source to function.
  2. Nobilis Caritas (Boon, Light) - The Princess is a shield for their beloved companions. This ability allows this character to redirect a single strike, spell or ability that targets a companion towards themselves. This must be done before the results of the attack are determined and all results are resolved against the Princess as normally. This ability may only be used if the effect could have targeted the Princess initially and it is of no use on area-effects.
  3. Ignia Gladio (Boon, Light) - A brilliant flame wreaths the Princess’ Heart’s Blade, allowing the character to do elemental damage (Fire) as well as hurl an arc of flame from their weapon once per battle. This arc has the same effect and range as an Incendiary bomb, save that the damage done by it is considered magical.
  4. Solas Maelstrom (Boon, Dark) - The character’s spirit is so potent that it exudes an oppressive aura felt by everyone around them. When this boon is taken, the player selects one of the following;
  • Deimos - A field of absolute terror emits from the Princess. This character has an edge on all Aura rolls to frighten or intimidate, and any enemy in the same area as they are has a snag on morale checks.
  • Nihil - An unnatural serenity surrounds the character, no matter the state of the world about them. The Princess can detect an disturbances to this calm and react immediately. This grants a +2 bonus to their defense against missile weapons and saves to dodge or detect incoming threats, including ambushes.
  • Exitium - The spirit of destruction itself seems to cling to this character, and things occasionally crack or splinter in their presence. Any mundane weapons used in a successful attack against Princess must make a structure save or break apart from the force of their spirit. The Princess also has an advantage when rolling might to sunder or destroy objects.
  1. Pulchra Persona (Boon, Dark) - Knowing full well that they lack a place in the world of the mundane, this Princess has constructed a mask to walk among the banal and unknowing. Select an origin from the Specialist list when this ability is chosen; this character may alter their form and clothing to appear as a typical member of this occupation. They also gain access to the purviews of the origin as well, but lose access to their Heart’s Blade until they return to their original form. Transforming and reverting back both require a single action.
  2. Puella Pugna (Boon, Dark) - This ability allows the Princess to nominate their unarmed blows as candidates for their Heart’s Blade ability. This does not take a round to manifest like a normal Heart’s Blade and (obviously) keeps their hands free; otherwise, attacks are identical to that of a standard weapon.
  3. Irata Celerity (Boon, Dark) - The Princess is relentless and swift in their pursuit. This ability raises the character’s speed by a single category and gives them an edge when using stunts combining a move and attack (such as charging)
  4. Glaciem Lancea (Boon, Dark) - An unearthly frost covers this character’s Heart’s Blade and any attacks made with it can be considered elemental (Frost) damage at their behest. In addition, they may freeze a foe solid on a successful attack. This is freed once they've taken a heart’s worth of non-Frost damage, or if they are able to make a Might check on their own action. This latter perk may be used once a battle, and is occasionally given a personalized nickname by its wielder.

Advanced Elective Abilities and Boons

  1. Spes Ducere (Boon, Light) - The Princess is a symbol of hope for their companions, and as long as they stand they will not be abandoned. Allies of the character (Both fellow PC’s and Followers) that can clearly perceive them automatically succeed any morale rolls or saves against effects that alter their emotional state, unless they opt not to. This ability only works as long as the princess does not falter themselves..
  2. Lux Ensis (Boon, Light) - This character soul burns so much that their heart’s blade may manifest as a sword of pure light. This blade ignores all physical armor (natural or worn) and does an additional heart of damage to creatures aligned with Darkness. This ability may be used once a day and lasts until the end of the combat that it is summoned in.
  3. Alis Aequitas (Boon, Light) - The Princess’ heart has taken wing and increases their speed by one step. In addition, they may make superhuman leaps as described in the movement section of the basic rules chapter.
  4. Regia Uniformis (Boon, Light) - The light of this character’s heart can protect them from harm. When this ability is invoked, the clothing or armor that the Princess is wearing gains either a single gadget armor features or a +2 increase to it’s defense bonus (the latter is not applicable to Dreadnought Class Armor.) This is accompanied by stylistic flourishes that are similar in look to the character’s Heart’s Blade.
  5. Insula Anima (Boon, Dark) - The fury of this character’s soul can lash out at even the most dreaded malefactors. Whenever the Princess successfully saves against a supernatural ability or spell that attempts to effect their emotional state or dominate their mind or actions, the originator of that effect immediately takes a single heart of damage. The princess also knows exactly who made the attempt, if they were hidden or obfuscated prior.
  6. Cruenta Furor (Boon, Dark) - The Princess can fly into an intense rage when prompted, either by external events or the constant anger boiling in their heart. When in such a fury, the Princess does an additional heart of damage with every successful attack, increases their speed by a step and ignores the effects of injury rolls until the rage ceases. However, they lose a heart for every round they remain enraged, which changes into additional injury rolls if the Princess runs out of them. The ability can be ended voluntarily or automatically when no perceivable opponents remain. The injuries sustained after the fury ends can kill the Princess, and likely will do so in a dramatic fashion if used recklessly.
  7. Dolores Clamor (Boon, Dark) - Even the words of this Princess are a weapon. The character may engage a known individual in an Aura contest if they have regular access to the network or society that the target has garnered their reputation in. If the Princess is the victor, then their slander has stuck and has started a widely believed rumor about the subject (that they are a coward, a liar, etc) that gives them a snag with all Aura checks and contests that are associated with the rumor. (For example, a noble believed to be a coward will suffer a snag when attempting to inspire soldiers to go into battle). Using this ability will occupy the character’s down time between a session.
  8. Arma Maligna (Boon, Dark) - There is a darkness wrapped around the Princess’ heart that can extend beyond their grasp. The character may summon a Heart’s Blade constructed entirely of dark energy. This weapon leaves a trail of deadly shadow, effectively allowing the Princess to strike twice with a single attack. Both these attacks must be made against the same target, but they are resolved separately and are treated as entirely distinct blows. This ability may be used once a day and lasts until the end of the combat it was summoned in.