
Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Allegiance and Magic

Rey has described an alignment system (Allegiance) that is determined by the spells you choose to learn rather than a simple, preselected choice. Your spellcaster can draw their power from either dark or light energies (or a combination of both). It's not certain yet if there will be a mechanical consequence of your characters Allegiance (over to you Rey).

Above is a layout with some sample spells that describe the bursts and flare system Rey alluded to in an earlier post.

I'm looking to develop icons (and a visual identity) for each magic class. Maybe the illustration style will differ for each energy type? but I haven't really taken this idea too far yet!

In the finished book, spells will be clustered by magic type and rank.


  1. Not just spells - certain class abilities can alter one's Allegiance when chosen as well!

    This is partly to help avoid lots of various subclasses without getting rid of them entirely; A Paladin or Dark Knight is a warrior who has taken options that veer them to the Light or Darkness side of the scale.

    1. Even better! It's an elegant solution to alignment and reflects player choice at a fundamental level (how they build their character) - it's no longer an arbitrary preselected decision. Bravo sir.

  2. I'm loving the layout so far.

    1. Thanks. Thinking super powerful rank 10 spells could have half page illustrations. The Apotheosis spell demands it.
